Day in the Life

Dec 11, 1835

Journal Entry

December 11, 1835 ~ Friday

11th Wrote A Letter to Br Asahel H Woodruff


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1814
11 Apr 1814 - 18 Oct 1838
219 mentions

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Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 11 December 1835
Paris Henry County Tenn - Brother Asahel. H. Woodruff. Honor.d Sir Having Some leasure time amid the Multiplicity of business, I concluded to appr[o]priate A portion of it in writing to you 1st ly I would inform you that I receieved your letter under Date of Sept 9th 1835 & I esteemed ^it^ a great pleasure once more to read from your pen & hear from you. You remarked their was some chanc[e] of your visiting Tenn" or Paris I never more desired An interview with you & the rest of my relatives than of late & when I first come to this country I expected to hav[e] seen them ere this But there has been more & more resting upon me ever since I first set my foot into this country I have enjoyed the best of health since I have been in this country for which I feel thankful to God their has been much sickness in this country for late season frost it as at precant hath I feel that Nothing But the goodness of God both preserved my health for I have been exposed to all we^a^ther–& travled at at times wet or dry cold or hot. I have travled on hors back since I have been in this country my circuit if circuit it might be calle[d] is about 130 miles in length which I travel through in every two weeks my meetings generally are as often as every day & sometimes oftener Brother Warren Parrish Left me & w[ent] [hole in page] to Kirtland Ohio the 23rd. of July since I have been alone untill A few days since Elder. Elias. F Wells called on me & I think will Labour with me awhile however he has left me now in per[s]uit of his hors which was stolen or let out to stray on the night of the 8th of Dec while we wer holding a meeting in the court house in Paris if he finds his horse he will travel with me I have many waters to cross in my travels & it is freequently the case after rains that I cannot cross them without swiming my horse & at one time in attempting to swim Bloody River the stream being rapid my horse got into difficulty among the brush &c. I was obliged to Leeve my hors & swim out by myself however we both got out unharmed I have been much opposed by the Priests of the day in this south country as is the case with all all the Elders whare ever they travel if they preach the gospel in truth & purity they have generally worked behind my Back more than to my face some few however have public opposed me face to face such I have publicly answered & not in one instance has the Lord suffered me to be confounded we have Baptized 115 persons on my circuit 24 I have Baptized since Elder W Parish left & I still have more calls on the right & left than I can attend to & the Stone rolls & the Kingdom grows whether it is observed or not & it will will continue to grow whether untill Christ comes
Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
W^r^ote 1 one Letter to Brother Asahel H Woodruff


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Dec 11, 1835