Day in the Life

Dec 4, 1836

Journal Entry

December 04, 1836 ~ Sunday

4th Sunday I went up to the house of the Lord
to worship. Elder Parish Preached in the forepart
of the day several spoke in the Latter part of the
day President RIGDON called a vote of the
Church to discountenance the use intirely of
all liquors from the Church in sickness & in
health except wine at the sacraments & for
external washing the vote was carried eunanimously
I spent the night with Elder Parrish


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Rigdon, Sidney
19 Feb 1793 - 14 Jul 1876
Parrish, Warren Farr
10 Jan 1803 - 3 Jan 1877
186 mentions


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December 4, 1836 ~ Sunday 4th Sunday I went up to the house of the Lord to worship Elder Parish Preached in the forepart of the day Several spoke in the Latter Part of the day President RIGDON called a vote of the church to discountenance the use intirely of all liquors from the church in sickness & in health except wine at the sacraments & for external Washing the vote was carried eunanimously
~ Wilford Woodruff
December 11, 1836 ~ Sunday 11th Sunday morning after an interview with Priest Turpin I went up to the house of God to worship & O what a meeting. May it be printed upon my heart as a memorial forever For on this day the God of Israel sharply reproved this stake of Zion (Kirtland) through the Prophets & apostles for all our sins & backslidings & also a timely warning that we may escape the Judgments of God that otherwise will fall upon us even the case of the travels of the Camp of the Saints from Kirtland to zion in 1834
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Sunday the President Rigdon called a vote to discontinue the use of liquors entirely in the Church both in sickness and health except for external washing and in the administeration of wine in the sacrament It was carried unanimously.
Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
4 Sunday I went up to the house of the Lord to worship Elder Parish Preached in the forepart of the day Several spoke in the latter part of the day President Rigdon called a vote of the Church to discountenance the use intirely of all liquors from the Church in sickness & in health except wine at the sacraments & for external washings the vote was carried unanimously. Spent the night with Elder Parish


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Dec 4, 1836