The before mentioned is an account of the most conspicuous
part of my Procedings during the year of 1836 which has
gone into eternity with its report as the year before it
hath done & as the one following & all others must do.
O time how swift, & how precious thou art. How great
the events that are bourn upon thy wings, esspecially
in the dispensation of the fullness of times. 1836 is
gone it cannot be recalled. Europe hath began to tremble
at thy departure. The endowment of the Latter Day
Saints hath b[e]spake a God in Israel, & is sufficient
to show that though the heavens & earth pass away
the word of God spake through the Prophets must
all be fulfilled. It is true that the thoughts of man
may now retrace his footsteps through 1836 that is
Past. But who can tell whare the end of 1837 will
leave him. Yea that important year that is
mountnging the wheels of time to stand upon the
stage of exhistance, to do its Perfect work. Will
not its gigantic operations, & its magnus works
stand upon the Archieves of heaven as great events
Will this gentile generation still sleep in this late
hour, if so sleep on & take thy rest which is short
for thy end is come, & the day hath broke that
Israel must be awoke from his slumber for the last
time & Prepare himself for the Bridegroom. Then let
1837 finish its work with speed & let its departure
say who hath gone to the tomb & what Kingdom
overturned, & what Kingdom esstablished & may
God grant that 1837 may report as she departs
that Zion & her stakes indicates that God rules
in her midst with POWER STRENGTH & GLORY.
Thus ends the year of
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O time how swift & how precious thou art. How great the events that are bourn upon thy wings, esspecially in the dispensation of the fullness of times. 1836 is gone it cannot be recalled. Europe hath began to tremble at thy departure. The endowment of the Latter Day Saints hath b[e]spake a God in Israel, & is sufficient to show that though the heavens & earth pass away the word of God spake through the Prophets must all be fulfilled.
Will this gentile generation still sleep in this late hour, if so sleep on & take thy rest which is short for thy end is come, & the day hath broke that Israel must be awoke from his slumber for the last time & Prepare himself for the Bridegroom. Then let 1837 finish its work with speed & let its departure Say who hath gone to the tomb & what Kingdom overturned & what Kingdom esstablished & may God grant that 1837 may report as she departs that zion & her stakes indicates that God rules in her midst with POWER STRENGTH & GLORY.
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