Day in the Life

Mar 1, 1838

Journal Entry

March 01, 1838 ~ Thursday

March 1st This is my birth Day I am 31 years of age. We left Hampden and walked to the city of Bangor pop 10,000
we visited Mr Haywood the city clerk & Gen Isaac Hodsdon & other citizens & appointed a meeting in the City Hall
we met according to appointment I preached upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon & left another
appointment we spent the night at the Mansion House Sandfords Inn. Distance of the day 8 miles


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Hodsdon, Isaac
18 Dec 1781 - 24 Mar 1864
2 mentions
Maine Mission
Sayward, John Shanon
11 Dec 1806 - 30 Aug 1875
2 mentions
Maine Mission


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Related Documents

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Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

at both places, and on the , we entered Bangor, which at that time had a population of ten thousand. This was my birthday, I being thirty-one years of age. I visited some of the leading men of Bangor, and they granted me the use of the City Hall, where I preached to good audiences for two successive evenings. This was the first time a Latter-day Saint Elder had preached in that town. Many were anxious to learn more about our principles, but our visits through all the towns from Thompaston to Bangor were necessarily brief, owing to our appointments upon the islands. It was like casting our bread upon the waters and trusting in God for the result.

Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 1 March 1838

Vinalhaven Beloved Willford According to your request, I seat myse lf this eve. to pen a few lines to you after haveing just, returned from father Luces’ (where I have been spending a few days) to brother Amese’s. I passed by brother Stephen Luces’ where the brethren have met for meeting—thinking I would spend the time in writing to you. Brother Ball arrived here last eve. and brought me a billet from you to day which I was glad to receive. The church here are strong and well engaged likewise the opposers are engaged to. Mr. Carter has held two mock meetings here of late, he has a written manuscript which he has been collecting through the past winter from newspapers &c which he reads to the people with hymns addapted to the occasion. brother Ames and Valentine attended the first meetting and bore a noble testimony for the truth they said they never had so much liberty in speaking before, many people saw the contrast between the two spirits—but none of the brethren attended the last meeting. I have received three letters for you but no papers; one letter was from Mother Woodruff bearing date of Dec. 31st wherein in she says that she has been quite sick but has far recovered also that Eunice and father were well and that her faith was encreaseing in the faith of latter Day Saints and that nothing short of it would satisfy her mind &c. &c.—another from brother Asahel wherein he acknowledges the reception of your last letter—his remarks are more favourable than than sometimes—says that he heard brother Joseph preach in Terra Haut last fall &c.. The third was from brother Milton he mentions that your much esteamed letter came to hand and was gladly received—he had concluded almost that you had not received his—he likewise received one from Kirtland the same day dated Jan. 14th wherein he received information concerning matters in K. he

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

This day was my [birthday] being . I was now 31 years of age. We visited Mr Haywood the city clerk and General Isaac Hodson and other citizens and appointed a meeting at the City Hall where in the evening I preached upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon and left another appointment.

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

and on the , we en- tered Bangor, which at that time had a population of ten thousand. This was my birthday, I being thirty-one years of age. I visited some of the leading men of Bangor, and they granted me the use of the City Hall, where I preached to good audiences for two successive evenings. This was the first time a Latter-day Saint Elder had preached in that town. Many were anxious to learn more about our principles, but our visits through all the towns from Thomaston to Bangor were necessarily brief, owing to our ap- pointments upon the Islands. It was like casting our bread upon the waters and trusting in God for the result.


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Mar 1, 1838