Day in the Life

Apr 16, 1838

Journal Entry

April 16, 1838 ~ Monday

16 I wrote a letter for Sister Pease. I took the parting hand with Elders Holmes & Townsend & Priest Thomas they went
over to the South Island to prepare the church for the conference & to strengthen the weak for when persecution
comes many faint by the way. O may God have mercy upon Judah, Israel, Jacob, Zion & Jerrusalem. The Brethren
got quite weatt with the spray from the sea while crossing the thoroughfare. I spent the day at Br Ames. I
assisted Mrs Woodruff in aranging her trunk & other things that she might be prepared to leave the Islands on the
morrow to return to Scarborough we spent the night together at Br Ames {for the last time}


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

3 mentions
Maine Mission
12 mentions
Scriptural Figure
169 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Townsend, James Foss
20 Feb 1808 - 2 Apr 1886
47 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Maine Mission
Holmes, Milton
16 Jan 1811 - 30 Apr 1881
218 mentions
Maine Mission
Thomas, Nathaniel
abt. 1803-1844
73 mentions
Maine Mission
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


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Apr 16, 1838