Day in the Life

May 20, 1838

Journal Entry

May 20, 1838 ~ Sunday

20th Sunday I accuompanied the Brethren to the place of meeting in Varick street between Vandall
& Carlton which is the stated place of Preaching for the Saints. Elder Pratt called upon me to preach
to the people I arose & spoke to them from the parable of the olive tree byin the Book of Mormon
by the Prophet Zenas the spirit of God rested upon us. [Jacob 5] At noon we dined with Brother
Harderbrook in Carlton street. Brother David W. Rogers dined with us. Brother Rogers was an interesting
man he had been a Methodist for several years but had been looking for greater things than the

churches of the day possessed. Brother Rogers was a Teacher among the Saints he was a true & literal
desendant of John Rogers who was burnt at the stake he was the six generation from John Rogers. we vis-
ited a woman sick with the palsy we prayed for her we again returned to the place of meeting. Elder
O. Pratt delivered us a vary interesting discours from Nephi vision in the third chapter of the first Book of
. The Lords supper was then administered unto us. There was one man from Phelidelphia attended
meeting during this meetingday & was much believing & offered himself for baptism. After meeting in co-
mpany with Brother's Fordham & Rogers I walked to father Pratt's the Englishman's we prayed with
his wife & Daughter who was still ill. we supped with them & after supper I again walked to the
place of meeting & during this walk I was in company with Priest Addison Everett bording at corn-
er of Spring & Renwick street. this was also an interesting Brother my heart burned within me
while walking arm in arm through the city at hearing a relation from him of the leading of his
mind by the spirit of God, & I felt to rejoice that the city of New York was producing such Saints
this Brother was of the literal desendant of thride Ephraim they had always had the name of Ephraim in the
family of all their progenitors & down to the present day. Brother Everett about a year since had an
interview with forty Lamanite chiefs in this city while on their return from Washington to their
homes. When he first entered the room whare they were sitting they grasped his hand in friendship as
though they were inspired to know who he was. Brother Everett gave them an account of the Book
of Mormon
& informed them that the fulness of the gospel would soon go to them they apparently
receieved the intelligence with the greatest degree of interest. he told them to receive it & teach their
tribes to do so when it come unto them; the chiefs promised to do so & wished him to come among
them & teach them these things. we arived at the place of meeting which closed this interesting su-
bject. Elder O. Pratt preached a highly edefying discours to us from the 102 Psalm the Lord
should build up Zion & appear in his glory. When he closed I followed him we also herd remarks made
from Elder Ball & several others bore testimony to the truth clothed with the spirit of God. meeting was dis-
smissed & I took the parting hand with those beloved Saints of God whos bosoms were burning with light, spir[it]

& the love of Christ we returned with Brother Foster & spent the night. Mr Willcox of the
city of Phelidelphia offers to open his doors for the Saints & wishes them to come & warn that
people also. Elder Eligah Fordham resides in New York City Cherry Street No 327


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rogers, David White
4 Oct 1787 - 21 Sep 1881
Fordham, Elijah
12 Apr 1798 - 9 Sep 1879
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Hardenbrook, Garret W.
abt. 1803 - unk.
3 mentions
5 mentions
Ball, Joseph T.
21 Feb 1804 - 20 Sep 1861
52 mentions
Maine Mission
Foster, Lucian R.
12 Nov 1806 - 19 Mar 1876
34 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1083 mentions
11 mentions
Scriptural Figure


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Daybook (18 August 1837 - 11 October 1837)

May 20th Sunday I accompanyed the Brethr to the place of meeting in Varick Street betw Vandan & Charlton which is the stated place of preaching for the Saints Elder Pratt ca- lled upon me to preach to the people I arose & spoke to them from the parable of the prophet Zenos [Jacob 5] in the Book of Mor mon the spirit of the Lord rested upon me a noon we dined with Brother Harderbrook in Carlton Street Brother David W. Rogers dined with us brother Rogers was an inter esting man he had been a Methodist for several years but had been looking for greater things than that church had Brother Rogers was a Teacher among the Saints he was the true & literal desendant of John Rogers who was burnt at the stake he was the six G. generation from John Rogers We visited a woman sick with the palsy we prayed for her. We again returned to the place of meeting Elder O Pratt delivered us a very interesting discours from Nephi's vision in the 3rd chapter of the first Book of Nephi their ^commund with the Saints^ was one man from Phelid- elphier attended meeting during this day & was much believing after meeting in company with Elder E H Fordham & Brother Rogers I walked to father Pratts the Englishman we prayed with his wife & daughter who was still ill Elder Fordham lives in Cherry Street 327

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

May 20th Sunday I accompanyed the Brethren to the place of meeting in Varick Street [by] Vandan & Charlton which is the stated place of preaching for the Saints Elder pratt ca- lled upon me to preach to the people I arose & spoke to them from the parable of the prophet Zenos in the Book of Mor- mon the spirit of the Lord rested upon me a noon we dined with Brother Hardenbrook in carlton Street Brother David W. Roger's dined with us brother Rogers was an inter- esting man he had been a Methodist for several years but had been looking for greater things than that Church had Brother Rogers was a Teacher among the Saints he was the true & literal desendant of John Rogers who was burnt at the stake he was the Six 6 generation from John Rogers We visited a woman sick with the palsy we prayed for her. We again returned to the place of meeting Elder O. Pratt delivered us a very interesting discours from Nephi's vision in the 3rd chapter of the first Book of Nephi ^communed with the saints^ their was one man from Phelid- elphia attended meeting during this day & was much believing after meeting in company with Elder E Fordham & Brother Rogers I walked to father Pratts the Englishman we prayed with his wife & daughter who was still ill Elder Fordham lives in Cherry Street 327

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

we supped with them & after supper I walked again to the place of meeting & during this walk I was in company with priest Addison Everett boarding at corner of Spring & Renw- ick Street this was truly an interesting Brother my heart burned within me while walking arm in arm through the city & land at seeing a relation from this Brother & I felt to rejoice that the city of New York was producing such Saints. This Brother was of the literal desendant of the tribe of Ephraim they had always kept the name of Ephraim in the family of all their progenitors & down to the present day Brother Everett about one year ago had an interview with 40 Lamanite chiefs in this city they graspe[d] his hand when he first entered the room as though they were inspired to know who he was, he gave them an account of the Book of Mormon & of their fore fathers & that the Book of Mormon & the fulness of the gospel would soon go to them they recieved it with the greatest degree of interest he told them to recieve it & teach their tribes to do so when it comes which they promised to do & wished him to come among them we arived at the place of meeting of the Saints which closed this interesting subject. Elder O Pratt preached a highly edifying discourse to us from the 102 Psalm the Lord should build up Zion & appear in his glor[y] Willcox of Phelidelphia will {shorthand}

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

when he closed I followed him & also Elder Ball & many others bore testimony to the truth clothen in the Spirit of God meeting was dismissed between 10 & 11 oclock & I took the parting hand with those beloved Saints of God whose bosoms were burning with light, Spirit & the love of God we returned with Brother Foster & spent the night.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

May 20, 1838