7th Sunday this is an important day & worthy of record because of the important scenes
which transpir'd afs follows. I crossed the Missisippi river in the ferry boat with Mrs Woodruff
in company with two of the Twelve & about one hundred Saints which went to Commerce
from Montrose to attend a meeting that the Twelve might deliver their farewell address before they
left for England. when we arived at the place of meeting Elder John E. Page was speaking he occupied
the stand in the forepart of the day & spoke much upon the proof of the book of Mormon in the
afternoon brother John Taylor spoke & bore testoimony also of the things of God. I followed
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] him in testimony & rejoiced in having the privilege of once more addressing the body of the church
Brother Orson Hide followed me & he had the spirit of the Lord. Brother Brigham Young next
fspoke & also bore testimony in the Spirit. We was then addressed by President S. Rigdon & his
address was peculiarly adapted to the circumstances of the Twelve taking their leave of all
they hold dear on earth & go forth from their own nation & stand before the kings & rulers of the natio-
ns of the earth to bear testimony unto them of the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus
Christ his address was of such a nature in appealing to our affections, in parting with our wives, and
children, & the peculiarity of our mission, the perils that we might meet with, & the blessings that
we should receive, &c. that tears was brought from many eyes. Joseph addressed us in few
words & says remember brethren that if you are imprisiond Brother Joseph has been imprisiond
before you, if you are placed whare you can ownly see your Brethren through the grates
of a window while in Irons because of the gospel of Jesus Christ remember Brother Joseph
has been in like circumstances also after other similar remarks the meeting closed & three
persons were Baptized & confirmed which ended the duties of the day.
REFLETCTIONS Surely this is an important day to behold a quorum of Twelve Apostles of the
Lamb of God organized in these last days to go forth unto all the nations of the earth to prune
the vineyard once more for the last time that the Saints may be prepared for the second [coming]
of Christ, & that Israel may be gatherd & babylon fall & the earth once more clensed from
its pollutions & wickedness swept from the face thereof
May the Lord enable us the
Twelve ever to be meek & humble & to lie passive in theis [his] hands as the clay is in the hands of the potter
& may we ever realize that while we are in the service of God & doing his will, that though we
may be surrounds by mobs & threatened with death that the Lord is our deliverer & that he will
support us in every time of trouble & trial
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Holy Priesthood & the Holy Ghost that they have power thus to speak.
O ye Twelve and all saints, profit by this important key [FIGURE] that in all your trials, troubles, & temptations, afflictions bonds imprisionment & death see to it that you do not betray heaven, that you do not betray Jesus Christ, that you do not betray your Brethren, & that you do not betray the revela tions of God whether in the bible, Book of Mormon, or Doctrine & Covenants or any of the word of God. yea in all your kicking, & floundering see to it that you do not this thing lest innocent blood be found in your skirts & you go down to hell. We may ever know by this sign that there is danger of our being led to a fall & aposticy, when we give way to the devil so as to neglect the first known duty but whatever you do do not betray your Friend
May the Lord enable us the Twelve ever to be meek & humble & to lie passive in this hands as the clay is in the hands of the potter & may we ever realize that while we are in the service of God & doing his will, that though we may be surrounds by mobs & threatened with death that the Lord is our deliverer & that he will support us in every time of trouble & trial
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