Day in the Life

Jul 22, 1839

Journal Entry

July 22, 1839 ~ Monday

22 Joseph was in Montrose & it was a day of Gods power there was many sick among
the Saints on both sides of the river & Joseph went through the midst of them taking
them by the hand & in a loud voice commanding them in the name of Jesus Christ to
arise from their beds & be made whole & they leaped from their beds made whole by the
power of God Elder Eligah Fordham was one among the number & he with the rest of the
sick rose from his bed & followed Joseph from house to house & it was truly a time of rejoicing


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Fordham, Elijah
12 Apr 1798 - 9 Sep 1879
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

On the morning of the , he arose reflect- ing upon the situation of the Saints of God in their persecu- tions and afflictions, and he called upon the Lord in prayer, and the power of God rested upon him mightily, and as Jesus healed all the sick around Him in His day, so Joseph, the Prophet of God, healed all around on this occasion. He healed all in his house and door-yard, then, in company with Sidney Rigdon and several of the Twelve, he went through among the sick lying on the bank of the river, and he commanded them in a loud voice, in the name of Jesus Christ to come up and be made whole, and they were all healed. When he healed all that were sick on the east side of the river, they crossed the Mississippi river in a ferry-boat to the west side, to Montrose, where we were. The first house they went into was President Brigham Young's. He was sick on his bed at the time. The Prophet went into his house and healed him, and they all came out together. As they were

Autobiographical Notes, circa 1850-1880

On the , Joseph the prophet having been sick for several days, & his home & door yard containg many of the sick saints who had been driven from Missouri. Joseph rose from his bed with the power of God resting upon him and he took the sick by the hand & in a loud voice commanded them in the Name of Jesus Christ to arise & be made whole & he healed all that were in his house & around about he then took some of the Twelve with him & walked up the River bank about a mile & healing all that were sick as he went along & they were many among the number was Elder Sherwood who lay at the point of death. He crossed the River to Montrose went into the home where Brigham Young lay sick & healed him, who walked out of the home & followed him. The prophet came to where I was standing & told me to follow him I did so we then went into the home of Elijah Fordham who was at the point of death, his friends had looked for him to breath his last for several hours, he had lost his speech & nearly his breath. we walked into the room Brother The Joseph took brother Fordham by the hand & looking the dying man in the eyes for several moments. He then said Brother Fordham in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I comand you to arise & be made whole. The voice of the prophet was like the voice of God it seemed as though the whole home shook from its very foundation. And the man leaped from his bed & was made whole instaneously He kicked his poltices off from his feet, dressed himself eat a boll of bread & milk & followed us out of the house I went into the House of Bates Nobles who was also very sick the prophet healed him & we knelt down & prayed & gave thanks to God. The wicked became alarmed at the seeing the power of God and followed to see what the end would be. After the prophet had healed, all the sick saints in Montrose he with several of the Twelve & S. Rigdon went

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

On the morning of the 22nd of July, 1839, he arose reflecting upon the sit- uation of the Saints of God in their persecutions and afflictions, and he called upon the Lord in prayer, and the power of God rested upon him mightily, and as Jesus healed all the sick around Him in His day, so Joseph, the Prophet of God, healed all around on this occa- sion. He healed all in his house and door-yard, then, in company with Sidney Rigdon and several of the Twelve, he went through among the sick lying on the bank of the river, and he com- manded them in a loud voice, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come up and be made whole, and they were all healed. When he healed all that were sick on the east side of the river, they crossed the Mississippi river in a ferry-boat to the west side, to Montrose, where we were. The first house they went into was President Brigham Young's. He was sick on his bed at the time. The Prophet went into his house and healed him, and they all came out together. As they were passing by my door, Brother Joseph said: "Brother Woodruff, fol- low me." These were the only words

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

time to time as I had an opportunity. I was with the prophet ^President^ Joseph ^Smith^ and his council and the Twelve, it was a day of Gods power with the prophet, he healed many on both sides of the river who were sick nigh unto death, among ^them^ was Elijah Fordham and Joseph B. Nobles, as the Prophet had healed many even the wicked rabble followed to see the sick healed and as Joseph was about to cross the river a man came to him and asked him if he would not go about 3 miles and healed two of his small children which were twins about 3 months old and were sick nigh unto death, he was a man of the world never herd a sermon preached by a Latter Day Saint, Joseph said he could not go, but he would send a man, after a moments hesitation he turned to me and said you go with this man and heal his children, at the same time giving me a read po sick [silk] handkerchief and said after you lay hands upon them wipe their faces with it and they shall be healed, and as long as you will keep that handkerchief it shall ever remain as a league between you and me, I went and done as I was commanded

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

I was with Prest. Joseph Smith and his council and the Twelve, it was a day of Gods power with the pr Prophet., H^h^e healed many who were sick nigh unto death, among whom were Elijah Fordham and Joseph B. Nobles; even the wicked rabble followed to see the sick healed; as Joseph was about to cross the river a man came to him and asked him if he would go about 3 miles and heal two of his small children, who were twins, about 3 months old, and were sick nigh unto death; he was a man of the world, he had never heard a sermon preached by a latter-day Saint. Joseph said he could not go, but he would send a man, after a momen hesitating a moment, he turned to me and said you go with this man and heal his children, at the same time giving me a red silk handkerchief, and said, after you lay hands upon them, wipe their faces with it and they shall be healed; and as long as you will keep that handerkerchief it shall ever remain as a league between you and me: I went and did as I was told commanded, and the children wasere healed.

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—I was with President Joseph Smith and his Council and the Twelve; it was a day of God's power with the Prophet. He healed many who were sick nigh unto death, among whom were Elijah Fordham and Joseph B. Nobles; even the wicked rabble followed to see the sick healed. As Joseph was about to cross the river, a man came to him and asked him if he would go about three miles and heal two of his small children, who were twins, about three months old, and were sick nigh unto death. He was a man of the world, he had never heard a sermon preached by a Latter-day Saint. Joseph said he could not go, but he would send a man. After hesitating a moment, he turned to me and said, "You go with this man and heal his children," at the same time giving me a red silk handkerchief, and said, "After you lay hands upon them, wipe their faces with it, and they shall be healed; and as long as you will keep that handker- chief, it shall ever remain as a league between you and me." I went and did as I was commanded, and the children were healed.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

— I was with Prest. Joseph Smith and his council and the Twelve: it was a day of God's power with the Prophet. He healed many who were sick nigh unto death, among whom were Elijah Fordham and Joseph B. Nobles; even the wicked rabble followed to see the sick healed. As Joseph was about to cross the river a man came to him and asked him if he would go about three miles and heal two of his small children, who were twins, about three months old, and were sick nigh unto death. He was a man of the world; he had never heard a sermon preached by a Latter- day Saint. Joseph said he could not go, but he would send a man. After hesitating a mo- ment, he turned to me and said, "You go with this man and heal his children"—at the same time giving me a red silk handkerchief, and said, "After you lay hands upon them, wipe their faces with it, and they shall be healed; and as long as you will keep that handkerchief it shall ever remain as a league between you and me." I went and did as I was command- ed, and the children were healed.

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1

the morning of the he arose in the morning reflecting upon the salvation of the Saints of God in their persecutions & affilictions and he called upon the Lord in prayer and the power of God rested upon him mightely and he arose up ^in the Name of^ as [did] Jesus healed all the sick around him in his day So Joseph the prophet of God healed all around him upon


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Jul 22, 1839