Day in the Life

Sep 7, 1839

Journal Entry

September 07, 1839 ~ Saturday

7 Passed through Jackson & Guilford & Brunswick & to Stronsville here Father Coltrins son's &
Daughters resided & they met together to day & thaire was much rejoiceing on their return which
ends my journey with them I spent the night with Br P Body 30


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Daybook (8 August 1839 - 12 January 1840)
7th passed through Jackson & Guilford & Brunswick & to Stronsville in which tow n resided father Coltrins family of sons & daughters & their was much rejoicing on their return which ends my journey with them as they are at home spent the night with Brother P Body 30 m[iles]


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Times and Seasons, official Church newspaper, first published in Nauvoo, Illinois (continuously published until February 1846).

Sep 7, 1839