Day in the Life

Apr 24, 1840

Journal Entry

April 24, 1840 ~ Friday

24th I spent the day in writing Elder Young wrote
a letter to his wife & A hand pointing to the right I wrote a few words in
it to Phebe A hand pointing to the right I also wrote a full letter to phebe
& sent it to Commerce Illinois I preached at
Brother Jinkins & spent the night & was quite ill


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3459 mentions
Apostle, Family
Young, Mary Ann Angell
8 Jun 1803 - 27 Jun 1882
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions
19 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 24 April 1840
Ledbury, Herefordshire, England, . My Dear Phebe I again appropriate a little time to fill a sheet to you. which I shall mostly take up in giving an account of the work of the Lord in this Country. I wrote you a long letter while in Staffordshire at the potteries, but whether it has fallen into your hands or not I do not know. You have been anxious No doubt to hear from me from time to time, & I have been equally as anxious to hear from you, but I do hope that you have not been as much disappointed in your desires in this thing as I have in mine for though I have written to you as often as once a month since I left home, yet I have not seen the first mark of your pen but once since I last saw you, & then you & Sarah was both sick in bed & you must realize that my desire has been vary great to hear from you Sisters Turley & Clark both wrote to their husbands & their letters arivd safe & I was in hopes to have herd a word about you some way but in this I was also disappointed, I do not make these remarks wishing to cast any reflections at all for I presume you have written several Letters to me since I left home but they must have been lost by the way somewhere. But I want you s[t]ill to continue to write to me often for I may obtain some of them. I want to hear from you & little Sarah vary much. I continued Labouring in Staffordshire about the Potteries untill the first of March when I left the church in that place in the care of Elder Turley numbering nearly one hundred & I went into the South part of England about 80 miles from the Potteries or whare the word had been preached at all & I made a stand near Ledbury in Herefordshire[.] it is about 40 miles from Birmingham, 30 from Bristol, 100 from London & bordering upon Wales, I commenced Working & the Lord worked with me in a wonderful manner I first stoped at Mr John Benbows a large farmer he was cultivating 5 or 600 acres of Land[.] his Brother William Benbow went from the potteries with me to his Brothrs I expect you will soon see him in Commerce or Montrose for he has gone to America & will call upon you. I arivd at John Benbows on the 5th of March I preached at his house on the 5th & was convinced that their was many that would come into the church I also preached on the 6th & Baptzed 6 persons 4 of which were preachers of the United Brethren of the Methodist order, John Benbow & wife were baptized I preached on the 8th & Baptzd 7 7. 4 were preachers 9th I Prechd & Baptzed 7, 2 were preachers 10th I Baptzd 12 three were preachers 13th I Baptzd 3. 16th I Baptzd 3 20th I Baptzd 3 one a preacher 21 I Bap 4, two preachers 23d I Bap 12 one a preacher 24th I Baptzed 9. four were preachers 27th I Baptzed 7 four were preachers 28 I Baptzd 2 one a Methodist preacher 29 I Baptzd 13. several were preachers 30 I Baptzd 9, five were preachers 31st I Baptzd 13, four were preachers April 2d I Baptized 9, two were preachers 4th I Baptzd 11 women 5 I Baptzed 9 three were preachers 6th I Baptzed 5. one preacher & one Clark of the Church of England 8th I Bap 7 four were preachers 9th I Baptzed 5 in the midst of a shower of stones tha fell upon me from a mob 10th I Baptzed several persons After labouring here one Month I receivid a letter from Elder Taylor in Liverpool stating that the Twelve had just arivd from New York & I must come immediately & meet with them in conference at Preston & so I left this part of the vineyard & travled 160 miles to Preston & attended a conference with the 12 & the church in general & had an interesting time. I was truly happy to meet our Brethren from America & immediately after the conference I returned accompaned by Elder Brigham Young & Elder W. Richards will soon join us in this vast field that is now open before us I never have seen such a vast field for labour as the Lord has enabled me to open where I now am since the church was first established either in America or England. I preached here one month & 5 days & baptized the superintendant of the Church of the United Brethren & about 45 Preachers of the same order with about 120 of the members making about 160 in all, & this senery has flung into my hands or under my care & superintendancy more than forty esstablished places of preaching which are licensed according to Law including one or two chapels & their is now about 200 ready to be baptized as soon as an opportunity offers I have Baptized some here of most classes rich as well as poor. a Number of large farmers I have Baptized from 8 to 13 the first time I have preachd in several places The Lord of Hosts has been with me & much of the convinceing spirit of God has accompaned the word. The whole country was immediately stired up[.] the Ministers was of England of the Church of England I was inf ormed held a council upon the subject to stop me in my preaching & also the work one of the Church Ministers called upon the constable of the parish to take me up but he called upon the wrong man for he had recievd my testimony & I had baptzed him. but as they cannot stop me by either the Law of the Land or the word of God, I have been in land [informed] they offer to Baptize those of their own church if they desire it this is done thinking to save them from joining us for I have baptized a number of their ^members^ churches. I have had vast congregation out to my meeting both priest & people. their will spedily be a mighty work in this country I think there


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Apr 24, 1840