Day in the Life

Nov 25, 1843

Journal Entry

November 25, 1843 ~ Saturday

25th We set three window frames in the
Back story second & baid up about 3 feet
of Brick I was called in the evening to a
council with the Twelve when I arived at
Joseph Smith's Store I found the High
council sitting on a case of Harrison
for some improper conduct or offer
towards some female at the close President
Joseph Smith made an address upon the
subject which was highly interesting & its
tendency was to do away with evry evil
& practice virtue & Holiness before the Lord
that the Church had not received any
license from him to commit adultery forni-
or any such thing but to the contr
ary B if any man commit adultery He
could not received the celestial kingdom
of God even if he was saved in any kingdom
it could not be the celestial kingdom He
said he thought the many examples that
had been manifest John C Bennet & others
was sufficient to show the fallacy of
such a course of conduct. He condemned

the principle {completely} & warned those present
against going into those evils, for they would
shurely bring a coCurse upon their heads after
meeting Joseph Smith met with the Twelve
& informed us that General Fryeson was in
town & wished an interview with us he had
come for the purpose of getting a memorial
written to Congress but it was late & we had not
time during the evening so we dispersed


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President Joseph Smith made an address upon the subject which was highly interesting & its tendency was to do away with evry evil & practice virtue & Holiness before the Lord that the church had not received any license from him to commit adultery forni- cation or any such thing but to the contr ary B if any man commit adultery He could not received the celestial kingdom of God even if he was saved in any kingdom it could not be the celestial kingdom
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of "The History of Joseph Smith" in the Times and Seasons covering period up to January 7, 1832.

Nov 25, 1843