Day in the Life

Apr 11, 1850

Journal Entry

April 11, 1850 ~ Thursday

11th On our Arival we were Hurried in the greatest
manner to unload our baggage & cart it to the rail road
Here it all had to be weighed over, And loaded into cars an
extra train had to be prepaired for us we started at 12 oclok
while on the rail Road one of the wheel gudgeon got dry & took
fire we stoped & fixed it we arived at the canal at mid night
had to unload our baggage onto canal section Boats we had
3 boats Allotted to our company as soon as our passengers
& freight were on board our captain started on his Journey
& we travelled through the night we found thiese setion boats
the most disagreeable part of our journey we were crouded
together like slaves in a ship & not more than half could have
the chance to lie down at all. the Horse stable was about
the most comfortable place on the boat & the ownly saloon we
had myself & wife were both nearly worn out with care
& hard labour


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Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


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Sister Allexander was taken in a fainting fit & Appeared as though she would die I laid hands upon her with prayer & she began to recover & was well in the morning
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Apr 11, 1850