I met with the quorum of the Twelve at Brother
Bensons Elder P P Pratt president prutem [pro tempore] there were present
P. P. Pratt W. Woodruff E. T. Benson C C Rich the meeting was
opened by prayer By C C Rich. P. P Pratt then presented
the record of the Twelve Apostles which was read before us
this record commenced in the valley of the Great Salt Lake
at the filling up of the quorum of the Twelve it contained
many items of Interest. After it was read & remarks
made it was moved & carried that the record of the Twelve
Apostles be put into the Hands of Wilford Woodruff to keep
& record such acts as was necessary we then Appointed
A meeting for the Twelve to meet each Monday night whic[h]
we could be together As the time would soon come when
P. P. Pratt A. Lyman & C C Rich would be called upon to go
abroad on their mission we adjourned untill next monday
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is right. In what way is this to be done by sealing upon the head of the prophet Joseph those keys to remain in the Church & kingdom of God untill the winding up scene
these keys of Elijah confirmed upon the president of the church are to seal the fathers to their children the children to their fathers, & to assist in welding the great link connecting evry gospel dispensation togeth- er
I see the wheat growing in this dispensation ripening for the harvest I see the tares also growing for the burning I saw [say] to the wheat & tares grow on I sawy to the Goats & sheep both to go ahead unto the End, the Saints of God are increasing in knowledge fast but they have got to be a hundred times better, wiser & advance in knowledge befor the end
I know the spirits of men & the invisible spirits that affect men & operate upon them better than I do the faces of men I want to speak a little upon natural philosophy we sow the grain it dies, rots in the ground & then it brings forth a hundred fold the elements which surrounded us produce these effects if we had a correct knowledge of the elements & knew how to control & separate them we could make bread as well out of the elements as Jesus did when He fed the multitude.
February 4, 1851 ~ Tuesday 4th ^[FIGURE]^ According to adjournment the Legislature met today to transact business for the state I spent the day with them An ordinance was passed granting a liberal charter to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints protecting them in their religious rights. During the pasage of this ordinance many interest ing remarks were made by the president or Govournor of the state He says we do not want the church to pass laws to punish crime ownly to try members on church fellowship if the members shall transgress the laws of the Land turn them over to the Laws of the Land but we want to protect the church in their right of worship & so we will evry other sect that comes here when the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ will they all be members of the Church of Jesus Christ & obey the gospel
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