Day in the Life

Aug 24, 1851

Journal Entry

August 24, 1851 ~ Sunday

24th Sunday Elder O Hyde Addressed the meeting & said
the floods in the western states Had been exceding High
so much so that many could not emigrate there were
about 700 waggons on the way. The spirit of emigration
was among all Nations the seas were white with the
sails of evry Nation who were emigrating to this country
to find a Home many might embrace the Gospel & come
to Zion & Help builb it up. The feelings of the Saints are
if I can get to the valley then I shall be Happy
then some want to go to Sanpete to Iron County &
& to Sandiego thien they would not be satisfyed & people
wish to emigrate to another world & think when they
get to Heaven their sorrow will end but their will
be things for us to reach after still when we are there &
it will continue through all Eternity. Their is many Novels
written & painted out but we do not want fals things to inter
est us. But Just look into the Book of Nature & evry
thing whether it looks up or down points to God. God is seen
in it all. Evry substance is surrounded with an Atmosphere
& in some respects shows what is within

so their is an Atmosphere surrounds All persons which you
feel when you meet with them, some persons Atmosphere you
light like others you do not with some you feel safe other you do not
it is so in meeting with families. Jesus said when you go
into a House let your peace dwell upon it but if they do not
receive you let your peeace return unto you again. This is true
doctrin (let my Atmosphere be good so that the spirit of God &
good men may dwell with me in peace for that person who dwells
near the Lord & has an Eye single to his glory can tell whether he
has the spirit of God or not when He meets with him many
bodies are opake & not luminous but when the light of a lumin
ous body strikes them it sets them all in a Blaze so with one
who has the spirit of God when his spirit rests upon anothe
it overshadows him it sets him in a Blaze & the great light
can see the Heart. We are all as it were painters painting our
own characters And evry good deed will give our sign a
white coulor & evry wicked deed a Black colour & when we
have painted unto the End of our days our character will be
presented before God in its true light & we shall see as we are
seen & know as we are known. some think the Judgment
will not be untill after the resurrection of some thousands
of years But remember that when you lie down at night & are
weary and fall asleep before you are aware of it the morning
comes the time is past & you are awoke. But in the church &
kingdom of God what is sealed on Earth is sealed in Heaven what
is bound on Earth is bound in Heaven And if a man sins
He is soon brought into Judgment for now is the Judgment
with Him. God will Judge the world But He may not Judge one
individual Himself but His servants will Judge them under his
direction. It is said the Saints will Judge Angels But what
Angels why fallen Angels for those Angels who remain in
Heaven are now Above us while those who are fallen are below
us for who is better Able to Judge them than the Saints who
cast them out. Many other interesting remarks were made By
Elder Hyde.

Elder H. C. Kimball Arose & said the remarks of Elder Hyde were
good And I will Apply them And I want all to lift up their
sign And I want to imitate the Best painted sign in Israel
& the character that is most like God I never expect to see a
time in all Eternity but what I shall have to abide a law
be trimmed & scourged untill I am a fit subject to become a
God. If you get into Heaven & rebell you will be cast out
their is always danger of falling as long as we are going up a


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1456 mentions
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
693 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


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Just look into the Book of Nature & evry thing whether it looks up or down points to God. God is seen in it all. Evry substance is surrounded with an atmosphere & in some respects shows what is within
~ Orson Hyde


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Aug 24, 1851