Day in the Life

Jan 15, 1852

Journal Entry

January 15, 1852 ~ Thursday

12, , , , & 17 I spent the week in the Legislature


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the Lord will govern the helm of the States & Nations for the final good of the world & to his honor & glory & for the benefit of the Saints
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Political/Government - Legislative Assembly note, 15 January 1852
Representative's Hall, To the Hone The president of the Council, Sir, This House wish to know if you are in possession of the following reports, viz; the Adjutant General's report: the state Commissioners report: and the Auditor's report. If so, the House respectfully request they may be sent in. Jont. Grimshaw, Asst. Clerk. W Woodruff Speaker pro: tem.
Political/Government - Legislative Assembly note, 15 January 1852
Representatives Hall, To the Hone. The president & members of the Council, Gents, You are hereby informed that the section which you have added to the "Act (No 7 HR. F) authorizing Thomas Moor to erect a ferry or ferries on Green River" & which you call the 5th section has been considered, and concurred in by this House; who respectfully request you will lay it before His Excellency the Govenor for his approval. Jon. Grimshaw, Asst. Clerk. W. Woodruff Speaker pro: tem
Political/Government - Legislative Assembly note, 15 January 1852
Representative's Hall To the Hone The president & members of the Council, Gents, This House have ordered 100 copies of the Auditor's report to be printed for the use of the two Houses; and you are respectfully requested to concur in the same. Jont. Grimsham, Asst. Clerk. W. Woodruff Speaker, pro: tem.


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Publication of the Manuscript History of the Church begins in the Deseret News.

Jan 15, 1852