Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1853

Journal Entry

February 20, 1853 ~ Sunday

20th Sunday Erastus ^Snow^ Addressed the meeting & spoke well He said
[FIGURE] if he spoke to their edifycation it would have to be by their
prayers & faith he said he felt dull & did not feel as he did while
in the vineyard preaching he felt he said as the little boy at
sea in the storm his Father was captain of the ship & had the
helm & all were afraid of being lost the boy was asked why
he was not afraid he replyed that he had no fear for
dada had the helm & their was no danger so I tell it as
dada has the helm here so their is no danger He spoke
of his mission in denmark the Lord showed him that
the King & counsel was taking counsel against him to

to stop his preaching he herd their conversation in a
night vision but He said as I kept the Law & my brethr[en]
they could find no accusation against me He exhorted
the Saints to faithfulness & said many interesting things
He was followed by president Young

A single key with teeth to the left President Brigham Young arose & said he does appreciate
the blessings we enjoy. There is no other people on earth that
enjoy as great blessings in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some suppose
that no people but ourselves have enjoyed the light of the Lord
no other people do enjoy the fulness of the gospel but all men more
or less have had the light of the Lord as he hwas LIts light that enlight[en]ed
evry man that cometh into the world. we are now living in the
times of times the dispensation of all dispensation none have
put it down no matter how it may be disspiced it is the kingdom
of God on the Earth hear in our midst. now ask yourselves the
question are you as happy as you expeted you would be when
you got to Zion have you got what you anticipated you would get
All the world cannot disprove this to be the Kingdom of God
Here the Saints are gathered from the states England & other parts
of the world what were your feelings while there it was if I could
ownly get to the valley with the Saints I would be satisfyed for I
cannot bear to stay in the wicked world & hear the blasphemes of the
people but I want to be with the saints, well now are you not
with the saints & are you not the saints then are you happy
whad did you anticipate why it was that there would the blesed
Saints dwell whare there would be no more sin or wickedness and
I shall bask in the smiles of my Lord well how is it now is it as
you anticipated what henders your enjoying all that you anticipated
I can answer it for myself if I dont have all the light truth Joy
& happiness & glory that I anticipated [it] is because of my vary self and
my will prevents me. All hell cannot hender me if I am right
from enjoying all that I expect. If any other man does wrong
trespasses steals my polls fence or any thing els it is no reason why
I should do wrong again, because my neighbor does an evil
It is no reason why I should do an evil in all the days of my life
& say that man that will do right in all things let his Neighbor
do as he may shall have heaven here. Who has got power to che[a]t
me out of my crown, Glory, Heaven, kingdom, &c who is it that
has an influence over you, who is it ^{that}^ will deprive you of all that
you expect nobody but yor own selves And any body that
does not know enough about salvation to judge what to do
when you are instructed continually are not capable of
receiving a Celestial Kingdom they are not worthy of it
No one that cannot preside over themselves is not worthy of
it but it is those who are valient in the Testimony of Jesus
Christ & bring themselves in subjection to the Law of Christ
& say I will serve God let others do as they may.

Another question I will do all I can to ask the Lord for
wisdom all the day long & if I do right am i not capapble of
knowing things for myself I am. when the people first
went to Jackson Co they thought if they could ownly get
there they would be in glory nearly all seemed anxious.
to get there I did not go myself but went into the world
& preached the gospel to the people but by & by the people in

that place had more trouble than we did, but I now
will ask if they suffered in their feelings as much as
they would have done if they had anticipated the trouble
& known it before No, for they could not bear it the
Anticipatin of trouble or Happines is far beyongd the
reality in this life. Some think they could not bear the
troubles that this Church have passed throgh, but I have passd
through it & bourn it well enough & never felt better
than I have in the midst of the persecutions of the Saints
We talk of sacrafize do we sacrafize in the building
of this Kingdom If I had millions & used it in
the building of this Kingdom bwould it be sacrafize No
If I was called to go & preach the gospel all the days of
my life & never see my family again it would not
be sacrafize what is our reward for our labour & faithfu-
lness it is Thrones, Kingdoms, principalities Eternal
Lives & a seat among the Gods then is it sacrafice No
such thing I believed that all would be better to gather togethe[r] [page covered]
with the saints than to remain in the world I thought all wou-
ld be honest I laid aside all my account Books I thought I
should not need to keep any accounts with the saints but I
have found it quite different many do not fell disposed to pay
their debts if they can geg red [get rid] of it. many of the saints are
fearful. The little time that I talked on the stand to Judge Bro-
their was more suffering in the flesh ^&^ in spirit in the
few minutes & for months afterwards than you would suffer
in reality in years of persecution many in their imagin-
ation saw us all hung, shot, drown murdered massacred in
evry imaginable shape that you could think off & one reaso[n] [page covered]
that you suffer so much more than you expected here in
Zion is you have brought yourselves with you but at last
you will lay down self & it will go to the dust now I want
to give a text for evry body to preach from & that is
take a course to restore confidence throughout the whole
land of Zion & the whole kingdom of God let confi-
dence be restored to all men by an upright course
of life & doing right unto all & practice it commence
with your Family your children. If you give your child
any thing for instence a trunk to put their things in dont
never go to that trunk or disturb those things in any wise
without the special leave of your child so by your wife any
thing that she possesses or that you give her never disturb
that or take any thing that is hers without her leave so
let the wife do by the Husband never disturb any thing
that is his without his leave so with children they
should never touch any thing that is their parents
without their leave. I never opened a trunk belong[ing]
to one of my wives in my life but once & that was to get
a portrait to send to the states as I could not wait for
her to return before the messenger left then from your
families let this principle go through your neighborhood
& throughout the whole kingdom of God pay all men what you
owe them fulfill your promises and if your Neighbors Horse
ox cow or any thing that He has is suffering by your door feed
it & save its life as you would if it was your own

and then let your Neighbors woods poolls fence & evry thing He
has got alone & let all of mine alone & I will yours And in
this way you will restore confidence dont trespass upon
any body but do right & the blessings of God will attend you
Brother Richards said owe no man any thing I owe gratitude
to God & to all mankigd in a measure but in a measure
or anoth[er] sens owe no man any thing But do right in all
things & you will have all the Heaven & Zion that you can
enjoy in this world


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3441 mentions
Apostle, Family
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
697 mentions
1 mention
Historical Figure
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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a man can no more live without praying than they can without bread if you dont keep the commandments of God the devil with use you for his deciple. Blessings will not stick upon an unfaith ful man but they will upon one that is faithful. let us pray in secret as well as in the family circle
~ Wilford Woodruff
a man can no more live without praying than they can without bread if you dont keep the commandments of God the devil with use you for his deciple. Blessings will not stick upon an unfaith ful man but they will upon one that is faithful. let us pray in secret as well as in the family circle
~ Ezra T Benson
it is better to wear out than to rust out
~ Erastus Snow
the Seventies are the bone & sinnew of Israel the Battle Ax of the Almighty what a mighty influence they must wield in Israel & the world we are begining to become one as a people Joseph said he had got a lever under the earth & he ment to turn it over that it might be right side up the seventies I expect will do much towards turning it over it is for our best interest to build up the Kingdom of God & do his will
~ Erastus Snow
what henders your enjoying all that you anticipated I can answer it for myself if I dont have all the light truth Joy & happiness & glory that I anticipated [it] is because of my vary self and my will prevents me. All hell cannot hender me if I am right from enjoying all that I expect.
~ Wilford Woodruff
what henders your enjoying all that you anticipated I can answer it for myself if I dont have all the light truth Joy & happiness & glory that I anticipated [it] is because of my vary self and my will prevents me.
~ Brigham Young
Who has got power to che[a]t me out of my crown, Glory, Heaven, Kingdom, &c who is it that has an influence over you who is it ^[â—Š]^ will deprive you of all that you expect nobody but yor own selves And any body that does not know enough about salvation to judge what to do when you are instructed continually are not capable of receiving a Celestial Kingdom they are not worthy of it No one that cannot preside over themselves is not worthy of it but it is those who are valient in the Testimony of Jesus Christ & bring themselves in subjection to the Law of Christ & say I will serve God let others do as they may.
~ Brigham Young
We talk of sacrafize do we sacrafize in the building of this Kingdom If I had millions & used it in the building of this Kingdom bwould it be sacrafize No If I was called to go & preach the gospel all the days of my life & never see my family again it would not be sacrafize what is our reward for our labour & faithfu- lness it is Thrones, Kingdoms, principalities Eternal Lives & a seat among the Gods then is it sacrafice No
~ Brigham Young
then from your families let this principle go through your neighborhood & throughout the whole Kingdom of God pay all men what you owe them fulfill your promises and if your Neighbors Horse ox cow or any thing that he has is suffering by your door feed it & save its life as you would if it was your own
~ Brigham Young
do right in all things & you will have all the Heaven & Zion that you can enjoy in this world
~ Brigham Young
He said again some men had a desire to stick to the work because it made them kings & priest so they could sway a great septer & rule with a rod of Iron & damn men here & curse them there &sc and had not in view the principles of Justice Jud[g]ment mercy truth &c but they cou[l]d not arise upon such principle even God himself should He act upon this principle He would scease to be God for the principls that sustain him & his Throne would forsake him & he would scease to be God for light & truth & evry other good principle cleaves unto itself
~ Brigham Young

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On Sunday the President Young delivered a discourse which I reported and recorded in my Journal but it is also published in the Journal of Discourses Vol I and as at about this date is the commencement of the publication of the sermons of the Presidency and Twelve I shall only transcribe from my daily Journal such as may not be found already published.


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Feb 20, 1853