Day in the Life

Dec 28, 1879

Journal Entry

December 28, 1879 ~ Sunday

28. Sunday we met at 10 oclok Bishop Hunt Prayed George Lake
spoke 35 M[inutes], W Woodruff 40, Br Christopherson 2 M, J N Perkins 10
Afternoon Prayer By Br Neil. Missionaries to the Lamanites & home
Missionaries called and sustained by the People sacrament Administered
Joseph Richards spoke 10 M, John C Neil 15, John Hunt 17 M
W Woodruff 25. We held a Meeting in the Evening Br Mann
Prayed Lot Smith spoke upon Temperal Business W Woodruff followed
also Br Mann & several other bore Testimony


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Lake, George
15 Sep 1838 - 23 Mar 1898
9 mentions
Richards, Joseph Hill
5 Dec 1841 - 3 Jul 1924
36 mentions
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions

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Discourse 1879-12-28
Elder W. Woodruff Said no person had a right to preach that which they did not practice, advised all young men to let liquor alone, said that we have young men in the church who drink smoke and go a whor^e^ing; some of the heirs of Pres. Young are going to hell the same with many of the sons of the prophets that have past and gone. Did not know that he would have any sons that would be valiant for the truth have tried to teach his children and learn them to pray. Had been away a great part of the time of missions, the mothers are the ones who educate the children. We are nothing but what God has made us and we must give God the Glory. Spoke of the dealings of God with Moses, and the calling of him to deliver Isarrael. [Exodus 3] The men who^m^ the Lord calls are the illiterate ones of the world, we build up the kKingdom of God by trusting in him. The Lord requires nothing of us but what we can do, refered to the revolation given for the Twelve to lay the corner stones of a Temple in Missouria and how it was performed. [Doctrine and Covenants 115:10-12]
Discourse 1879-12-28
Bp. John Hunt by request read the 21 Chapter of Jeramiah. Elder W. Woodruff Spoke upon the above named chapter and the dealings of God with Jeramiah and his pleading with the Lord for Jeruselam and the Lords answer to him. The Jews forgot their God and turned to other Gods, when they done this their enemies had power over them. Whenever a nation becomes ripe in iniquity the Lord destroys them, no matter how strong they are he raises up a power to destroy them. Quoted from the book of Doctrine & Covenants where the Lord says he cannot stay his hand in judgment, the fulfillment of the prophecies have been fulfilled to the very letter in regard to Jeruselam. The lLord always warns a nation of their wicknedness and sins before he destroys them. Joseph Smith and his brethren were called to warn this generation. The day has come that John saw when the prophets were slain, these things are at our doors. We have warned the nations for half a century, and our skirts are clear, there are great events at our doors the time is not far hence when the nations will not have power to harm the Saints. The Saints should try and live their religion for the coming of the Son of man is nigh to our doors, and great events in the near future. There is a 1000 murders whordoms &c. committed now where there was one fifty years ago, the world is full of such things now, men may have as many prostitutes &c. now as they please but if they marry one ^a woman^ it is a holy horror, the nations are all corrupt and they will work against the Saints, but the Saints have power with gGod. The nations are all infidels they do not acknowledge gGod. We want live teachers and a lively lesser priesthood to stir the people up to a realizing sense of their duties.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
(Dec 28 1879 We held a Meeting in the evening Br Mann Prayed Lot Smith spoke upon tempered Business was followed By Brother Mann & Linquist and several bore testimony)


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Church membership 135,000; Utah Territory 143,963; population of 38 United States 50,190,000.
Wilford receives Wilderness Revelation regarding God's defense of the patriarchal law of marriage.

Dec 28, 1879