Day in the Life

Dec 2, 1880

Journal Entry

December 02, 1880 ~ Thursday

2 A folded letter/box Keys crossed A crown I received A Letter from William Woodruff
who gave me the Geneology of my Progenetor
As follows ^1.^ Wilford Woodruff Born March 1, 1807

2nd Aphek Woodruff Born Nov 11, 1778, died March 28 1861 Aged 83

3. Eldad Woodruff born 1751. Died 1806. Aged 54 years

4. Josiah Woodruff born Aug 16, 1706 Farmington Ct Aged 100 years

5 Gen. Joseph Woodruff born in Farmington Ct. 1679.

6. Gen. John Woodruff Born in Farmington Ct. 1649.

7. Gen. Mathew Woodruff The original setler and
proprietor and one of the 84 original owners of the Town
of Farmington came from Hartford in 1640. And
was among the first setlers of Hartford Connecticut

Some called my Great Grand Father (4 G) Medad, others Elijah
and others Josiah, I put it down as Josiah


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Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
39 mentions
7 mentions
Woodruff, Josiah, b. 1706
18 Aug 1706 - 8 May 1789
26 mentions
Woodruff, Matthew
28 Jul 1616 - 6 Sep 1682
11 mentions
Woodruff, William Thompson
1 Aug 1859 - 7 Apr 1935
13 mentions


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Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
2nd [FIGURE] I received a letter from Wm Woodruff who gave me the Genalogy 1 Gen [FIGURES] of my Progenetor as Follows Wilford Woodruff Born March 1, 1807 2nd AFather Aphek Woodruff, Nov 11, 1778, Died May 28, 1861. Aged 83 years 3 Gen Eldad Woodruff born 1751. Died 1806. Aged 54 years Avon Ct 4 Gen Josiah Woodruff Born Aug 16, 1706 in Farmington Ct 5 Gen Joseph Born in Farmington 1679 6 Gen John Woodruff Born in Farmington Ct 1649. 7 Gen Mathew Woodruff TThe original setler and Proprietor one of the 84 original owners of the Town came to Farmington from Hartford in 1640 and was among the first Setlers of Hartford Some called my Great GrandFather Medad others Elijah I put it down as Josiah


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Pearl of Great Price officially accepted as scripture by the membership of the Church.
Wilford appointed General President of Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association.

Dec 2, 1880