Jan 1, 1881
This is New years day for 1881. What the year will bring forth
I know not. What the year will bring forth God knows and will direct
it, and time will show it to us I pray Godd to preserve me and
My family in Purity And I P[r]ay the Lord to Peserve the first
Presidency, Twelve and all the faithful Saints in Zion and Bless
And protect Br George Q Cannon in washington and hedge up the
way of our Enemies that they shall not have power over the Saints of
God. In company with Mrs Woodruff I visited Leonard W
Hardy at a surprise party at his house on his birth day. We had an
excellent time. His sons and family Presented him with a $30
arm chair. speech was made by one of his sons, in the presenta-
tion of the chair. Addresses were made by Br Hardy followed By
R T Burton & W Woodruff I spent the Evening with my son
Wilford, & Br Nixion & wife of St George
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