I went into the Temple and had our first Daughter and
child sealed to me and my wife Phebe W Woodruff who was
her mother And I had all of my Fathers children 6 in number
by his second wife, my step Mother, sealed to their Father & Mother
viz Philo born Nov. 29, 1811 Died Nov 25, 1827, Aged 16 years
Asahel Hart [born] April 11, 1814 [Died] Oct 18, [18]38 [Aged] 24 years
Franklin [born] March 12, 1816 [Died] June 4, 1816, [Aged] 2 m 24 D
Newton born June 19, 1818 drowned Sept. 1820, Aged near 2 yers
Julius [born] April 22, 1820. Died young
Eunice [born] June 19 1821 Died ^Married^ Aug 4, 1841. Died June 14, 1853 Aged 32 years
Wilford Woodruff & Phebe W Woodruff acted as Proxy
I also had 3 children Named Ira & Mary Carter all dead
sealed to their Parents Ezra Carter & Sarah Fabyan Carter
Wilford Woodruff & Phebe W Woodruff Acting proxy
all the above recorded in the recorded in St Georg Temple Records
I also had 20 persons Adopted to me & my family
President John Taylor had quite a Number Adopted to him
Mrs W and myself took supper with E. Snow I then went
to Meeting in the Tabernacle at 6 oclok Br Lunt prayed G Q Cannon
spoke 3 M, John Henry Smith 5, W Woodruff 15 M E Snow
15 M, John Taylor 65
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