Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1881

Journal Entry

December 31, 1881 ~ Saturday

31. I wrode to Logan with Bishops Farrill & Roskelley in a
sleigh while passing over a sideling place Br Farrill uturned
us over into the snow we attended the Priesthood Meeting
I spoke 40 Minutes we returned back to Smithfield 16 Miles

I ^Brought from page Oct 6, 1881^

He is called home and it is all right He would not come back if he had
the power to do so. I have been looking for his death for months. the last
time that I saw President Joseph Smith the Patriarch I was on my way to
England. Bro George A. Smith was with me. Father Smith was sick and he
asked us to lay hands on him. we did so and I Blessed him. The last
time I saw Mother Smith she asked to have a Blessing at my hands. I
felt to Bless her. Before I started for St Gerge in the spring I felt to Bless
Br Pratt with an Apostles Blessing as far as I had the right & Power
to do so. I laid my hands upon his head and blessed him as I felt led by
the spirit of the Lord. And when I am dead and gone all those Blessings
recorded will be found in my Journals. I want to say I cannot say
mourn over the death of Br Pratt. My friends who have been acquainted
with my views know this. I cannot mourn over Apostles Prophets or
inspired men, who have died in the faith of the Gospel of Christ. Any Man or
woman who has kept the celestial law of God on the Earth and have died
in the faith, will open their Eyes to a scene of Glory and Blessings and
Eternal Life that man cannot obtain upon any other principle. If Br
Orson Pratt could speak today to this assembly what would be his voice
after opening his Eyes in the spirit world after meeting with Joseph
, with Apostles, with Prophets, with the Elders of Israel and the Saints of God

After mingling with [them] what would be his voice to us. He would say
"O ye Apostles of the Lamb of God, who occupy these seats, O ye five
thousand seventies, messengers to the Nations of the Earth O ye six thou-
sand High Priest, who hold the Melchesedec priesthood of the order
of the Son of God, O ye ten thousand Elders who occupy these
Rocky mountains, And the Lesser Priesthood, And the hundred
and fifty thousands Saints who have gathered to Zion can you afford
to spend onde day or one hour to the neglect of the Kingdom of Good to
gather unto yourselves riches, or the honors of this world No he would
say you cannot do it with safety, before the heavens, Before the Gods
nor before one another That would bye the voice of Bro Orson Pratt
to these Latter Day Saints could he speak to us. Now as far as I
am concerned I need say but very little more with regard to Bro
Orson Pratt. He is what we call dead, his body is here before us
His immortal soul, This Embryo of the God Head is in the spirit world. it
is alive. it will live as long as our Heavenly Father lives. Bro Pratt has
passed through many scenes of life in his Early ministrations. he has
many a time travelled through Illinois & Indianna preaching the gospel
when He was vary sick from the ague yet though sick he would go out
at night and preach. He travelled thousands of miles in those Early
days in this way in bearing his testimony of the gospel of Christ
His Testimony is closed. His voice is hushed in death you nor I
will not hear his voice any more untill we meet him in the spirit world
and that will not be a great while at least for some of us. I want
to say to the Living let this admonition have its Effect upon us. what-
ever we have got to do let us work while the day lasts. The Lord tells
us in this code of revelations, in this testiment which He has given
unto us what awaits this generation if they will not repent

He tells us of the great Judgments that are to be poured out upon the Earth
and the great responsibility we are under as the servants of the most High
God in delivering our testimony and preaching the Gospel. Bro Orson Pratt
makes the ninth Apostle who have opened their Eyes in the spirit
since we came through Emigration Canyon on the 24 July
in 1847. These things give me vary peculiar reflections it says vary
loudly to Bro Woodruff Bro Taylor and a great many others "be
ye also ready" It says to all these Apostles and all these Elders
of Israel
"Be ye also ready" whatever you have to do, do it while
the day lasts. Be true and faithful to your God, to your covenants,
to your Priesthood and to the mighty responsibility resting upon your
head. This is the voice of the spirit of God unto us. I thank God for
the gospel. I thank God for the promises of Eternal life which have
been revealed unto us I thank God for the Holy Priesthood.
Yes we should be faithful we should magnify our calling that [we]
may in vary deed become saviors upon Mount Zion. There
are other Brethren to follow me and I do not wish to occupy any
more time But If I could speak to Brother Orson so that
He could hear me I would say

Sleep on Brother Orson, But Ere long from this
The conquored tomb shall yield its captive prey
Then with thy Quorum Thou shalt reign in Bliss
An Apostle, A King and Priest to an Eternal Day

I looked over my Journal and recorded on the following page A syonopsis of my labors

A Synopsis of my Labors in 1881

I travelled 3932 Miles 3932 Miles
I held 190 Meeting 190 Meeting
I Preached 120 Sermons 120 sermons
I Attended 15 Quarterly Conferences & 2 High Councils
I Preached 8 Funeral Sermons. Attended 5 priesthood meetings
I Attended 45 Councils with the Presidency & Twelve
I Attended 10 Y.M.M.IA Meetings, & 2 General Conferences
I wrote 158 Letters I Received 162 Letters
I Ordained 1 Patriarch, 2 High Priests, 5 Elders
I Administered to 18 sick. I set apart 42 councillor to the Bishop
I set apart 14 Missionaries, assisted in 110 others
I had 41 Dead women sealed to me & 97 Adoptions
I sealed at the Altar 91 couple. Gave 2nd Anointing to 15
I Confirmed 135 for the dead & sealed 12 Adoptions
I had 40 Relatives Baptized for & 110 Endowments
I sealed 6 children to Parent. Blessed 2 children
I had my oldest child sealed to me & Pheb W W
I had 6 children sealed to Aphek & Azubah Woodruff
I had 4 children sealed to Ezra & Sarah Carter
I Assisted in Baptizing 1569 for the Dead
I Assisted in giving Endowments for 993 Dead
I paid Tithing in 1881 $420.27 cts


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Woodruff, Azubah Hart
31 Jul 1792 - 21 Mar 1851
269 mentions
Carter, Ezra, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
291 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1439 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
200 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1962 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Smith, Joseph (Sr.)
12 Jul 1771 - 14 Sep 1840
Smith, Lucy Mack
8 Jul 1775 - 14 May 1856
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1086 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions
Roskelley, Samuel
1 Jan 1837 - 10 Feb 1914
Woodruff, Sarah Emma
14 Jul 1838 - 17 Jul 1840
165 mentions
Carter, Sarah Fabyan
8 Apr 1775 - 24 Jul 1845
92 mentions
Davis, William
10 Mar 1801 - 3 Jul 1879
13 mentions
1840 British Convert, Missionary
13 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Dec 31, 1881