Day in the Life

Jul 17, 1884

Journal Entry

July 17, 1884 ~ Thursday

17 We drove to Salina and dined with
Jenson, then rode to Kins Meadows and camped
in the field with quite a company we adm[ini]stered to 2 sick 30 Miles


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Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 17 July 1884
Fish Lake Sevier Co My Dear Clara Your interesting Letter of July 7 has just Been Handed me I am in the midst of a large Encampment of Men women & children I expect the Encampment will camped of 200 waggons & 1000 people I think. Our Altitude is near 10000 feet above the sea. It is so high that with a touch of Azma I canot & thin air. I cannot sleep or breath well lying down I have to lie bolstered up or sit in a chair to sleep which causes me to suffer, but I shall feel better when I get 3 or 5000 feet lower. I have lain still so long that I soon get tired out with Excercise I see your Mother has got home with the children all safe I have never heard a word from anyone about the journey to Ashley or back I wrote your Mother and all the company twice & went to Ashley but I am in hopes to hear from some body about it I was much Relieved is my mind when I heard your


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Jul 17, 1884