July 24, 1884
37 years ago to day I brought President
Brigham Young in my carriage into the valley of
the Great Salt Lake the first time He Ever saw the
valley. The Twelve who came were ^1^ B. Young ^2^ H C Kimball
^3^ W Richards ^4^ O Pratt, ^5^ W. Woodruff, ^6^ G A Smith, ^7^ E. Snow
^8^ E. T. Benson ^9^ A Lyman 9. The other Thre of the Twelve
followed us the same season or soon After ^10^ TJ Taylor
^11^ P P Pratt & ^12^ O Hyde. Nine out of these 12 men
are in the spirit world to day and but 3 of us living
viz J Taylor W Woodruff & E Snow and time must
determin how long before we shall be Numbered with
them I spent this 24th quietly resting in my own house
Also C C Rich Died in Bear Lake valley
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