10 Sunday A plesant Morning I administered to Sister Smoot
last Evening and she seemed Better this Morning A conference
of the sabbath school Superintendents & teacher & children
Assembled this Morning at the Meeting House at 10 oclok
Prayer By S S Jones Sacrament was Administered
Joseph H Parry spoke 7 M J Wakefield 10 M E Daniels
on Music 15 M, Warren P Smith 9 M, J Morgan 15 m
Afternoon Harvey H Cluff Prayed, George Brimhall 10 m
Isaiah M Cooms spoke 10 M, Elder Marks of Salt Lake
spoke 5 M, J Morgan 15 M, W Woodruff 25 M.
He asks the question of all that is sacred what is to be
done with these 50000 sabbath school children when
they become young Men & women will you bind &
fetter them so they shall not progress or will you give
them a chance to Enter the young Mens & young women
Mutual Improvement Society and continue their labors
is there not room for both societies in the Church & kingdom
of God I think there is
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