Day in the Life

Aug 13, 1884

Journal Entry

August 13, 1884 ~ Wednesday

Aug 13, 1884
An arrow An arrow We had a telegram from Tennessee saying the mob
had killed five of our Missionary Brethren were
Murdered by masked Men one of the mob was killed


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 13 August 1884
Dear Father As I have a few moments to spare this beautiful morning, I take pleasure in devoting them to addressing a few lines to you to let you know how "Old England" and I are getting along. Your most welcome letter of July 7th came duly to hand and was perused with interest & pleasure not only by me, but also by my companion. I regret not having answerd it before but I am so verry buisy all the time, and have quite a number of corespondents, so it is quite impossible for me to write to any of you verry often, although I should like to do so. I read your excelent article in the "Star" as no doubt have all the Elders; and found considerable encouragement in so doing. We were to have held a quarterly conference in Manc- hester this month but owing to Pres. Smith's

Aug 13, 1884