Day in the Life

Jul 23, 1888

Journal Entry

July 23, 1888 ~ Monday

23 A hand pointing to the right I went to the Gordo & spent the day I signed
18 Recommends I received 128 Letters I wrote 1 Letter


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Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 23 July 1888

[end of sideways text] BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A. O. SMOOT, President. H. H. CLUFF, W. H. DUSENBERRY, M. TANNER, D. C. YOUNG, J. E. TALMAGE. KARL G. MAESER, Principal PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE Brigham Young Academy. Provo City, Utah, July 23, 1888 President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your very comforting letter of the 18th inst. has duly come to hand and many thanks for your kind words. Anticipating my probable withdrawal from the B. Y. Acad- emy, I had fixed up a private study room in my own home, where I can work without interruption whenever I choose. This will enable me, under the present state of affairs, to spend any convenient time before and after school hours in my study room, and as I cannot be without work I may at- tend to the edition of the German Book of Mormon as well as to any other mental labor. As my own German B. of M. is too dear to me through many reminiscenses since 1853, as that I could ^spoil it^ by the unavoidable process of paragraphing &c &c. would you kindly give me the privilege of getting one in the Deseret News office for that purpose? I have been informed by my son Reinhard, that, in consequence of the death of Sister Shepherd at Beaver, her family contemplate to place her large two story dwelling- house at the disposal of the B. S. Academy, which would be a grand hoist for that institution. Prof. J. M. Tanner

Letter from Arthur Stayner, 23 July 1888

Salt Lake City, UTAH, Prest W. Woodruff and Members of the Twelve, Dear Brethren: It has become very palpably evident to me that the sugar industry will never get a beginning here unless I give up everything else and devote my undivided attention to it. With this view before me I have made up my mind to forthwith resign my present occupation and take up this business and attend to it with all the experience and ability I have. I do not wish to put you under the responsibility of giving me counsel in this matter because I am already determined to risk the consequences but before I take the step I wish to ask you, if in the light of youwhat you know concerning the future of this people, there is any thing that would make this movement imprudent or unwise. With regard to the physical and financial success of the undertaking I have no doubt whatever, and so far as I can see things I have no fears, but I do not claim to see far into the future of the temporal condition and circumstances of this people, and there are no persons upon the Earth but you who can, and if there is anything you feel at liberty to give me by way of halting advice, or rather advice to halt, I shall be very grateful. Failing advice of this kind my mind is made up & my letter of resignation prepared Very respectfully your brother Arthur Stayner

Daybook (July - November 1887 and April - October 1888)

23 I went to the Gardo & HERE spent the day Met with the 12 & [Legr[a]d y[ou]n[g]] Got Telegram for [we hoped] [then our] Temple wold be safe I signed 18 Rec[om]m[en]ds rcd 25 Letters wrote to Jaques

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 23 July 1888

Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah u.s.a. Dear Brother It affords me great pleasure in acknowleding the receipt of your, very kind favor of the 3rd uinst. However it is very sad to reflect upon the news it Bore to me of the wholesale robery of the Church. I trust However you may be success- ful in preserving our sacred structures unto the saints, who have labored so hard to erect them to the name of the Most High God. I feel that you have the faith and prayers of the faithful that you may be successful in this great issue with our nation that is filled with greed and smitten with corruption. I feel that God will listen to the petitions of an afflicted people and his work will surely be cut short in righeousness. I feel many times as if I should like to be more closely identified with my brethren


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Jul 23, 1888