Day in the Life

Jan 8, 1894

Journal Entry

January 08, 1894 ~ Monday

8 I met with quite a company of Bankers & business
^ An arrow^ men at the office to see what could be done for
Leonard WG. Hardy who was a Defa^u^lter in the Money He
had collected for the county & city Amounting to $28000.
We have strugeled several Days to relieve him but have
not been Able to Accomplish it


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Hardy, Leonard Goodridge
24 Jun 1852 - 19 Jun 1938


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Letter from Harriet N. Young, 8 January 1894

Provo, Utah. First Presidency, Dear Brethern: Your letter of Jan. 2nd stating that I have been chosen to take the Sunday School Normal Course was a great surprise to me. Although I know my inability to do justice to the work. After carefully con- sidering the matter I feel to accept the mission praying to God for strength and wisdom to prove my self worthy the confidence bestowed on me; and trusting in His aid while striving to help forward the glorious work He has established. Very truly, Your sister in the gospel, Harriet N. Young.

Letter from Isaac Smith, 8 January 1894

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Since Bro. Orson left, I have written to Hyde Park several times, and last Sunday week I went out to the ward, and saw the Bishop; He said then that he would see what he could do, I saw him yestarday again, and He says the money was loaned to Bro. Lee a Merchant at Hyde Park, that the Society Notified him some time ago that they wanted their money, but that it is now impossible for him to get it for them. as soon as he can get it the Society desire to keep their promise, and let You have the money. Kind regards, Your Brother in the Gospel Isaac Smith.

Letter from George Henry Horne, 8 January 1894

Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Your letter of the 6th of December is at hand. Have delayed my answer in hopes that I could make arrangements to respond to the call of duty. My financial condition hardly justi- fyes mey leaving my family, as my wife will have to depend entirely on her ex^c^er- tions for their support during my ab- sence; for I have no income only ^that^ derived from my every day labor. But in the face of the many draw- backs I am making every effort to gather enough money together to purchase the clothing I will need to start with

Letter from Owen Moroni Sanderson, 8 January 1894

Fairview, Sanpete Co., Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, I received letter dated the 6th on the 7th inst. In reply will say that God being my helper in sparing my life during the short time of making the neccessary preperations my faith is I shall be on hand at the apointed time I have not the amount at my command to take me to the field but am assured it will be put in my way before the time arrives for me to leave. Your Brother in the Gospil Owen Moroni Sanderson All right J. F. S.

Letter from Thaddeus W. Naylor, 8 January 1894

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I am in receipt of your commu- nication of Dec 6th 1893 in regard to a mission to the Southern States. I thank you for the confidence you have in me in calling me for that position but circumstances at the present time will not permit of me going I have signed in connection with my father Geo Naylor, several Notes that will be coming due before I would return home. I hold no priesthood, but will commence and put myself into shape, so as to be able to answer

Letter from William Paxman, 8 January 1894

Nephi City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, and Councilors, Dear Brethren, I take pleasure in presenting the names of Charles Edwin Stephenson, and Sister Lottie Bountree of this place; to take the "Normal Course," at the B. Y. Academy for this term, in the interest of the Sunday School training. We have had quite a labor to find those that could go, as many of the Saints are verry much cramped for available means. Sister Bountree attended the past term, and have done well, but, felt that she could do much better work for the S. Schools if she attended through this term, and not being able to find anyone else that could go, we have returned her, trusting that this will meet with your sanction. We were not decided

Letter from James Benjamin Walkley, 8 January 1894

Box 18. Salt Lake City, Utah, Presidents Wilford Woodruf George Q Cannon Joseph F Smith Dear Bretheren Having had some ex- perience in the gathering of Genealogies in England, and having ^been^ asked by many brtheren to get their records for them, I have thought fit to lay this matter before you. I have no desire to undertake this as a speculation, for I have a desire to furnish names at actual cost only. I have found by past experience that it is impossible to contract or charge for name furnished by the hundred or by Per Cent. I also find the saints are very reluctant to impart of their means previous to receiving names, but if a suitable person was selected, in whom you and the saints have con- fidence to over look and see that the work was carried on in a legitimate manner,

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

For services of ZCMI 50 25 From church $10 $5 $5 $5 $100 125

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To Emma $2, $1, $15 coal $6 24


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Jan 8, 1894