Day in the Life

Aug 19, 1897

Journal Entry

August 19, 1897 ~ Thursday

Aug 19th I had a tolerable fair night. Alice is still very sick, having
very severe spells of pain & choking. Emma & family are about worn
out in waiting on her. I went to the office this morning adnd attended
my meeting at the Temple with my counselors & the apostles. I am
able to partake of more nourishment so feel better therefor. I received a
telephone message from Emma to come home. I took Bro Nuttall down with
me as Alice seemed to be worse. On arrival we administered to her Bro
Nuttall being mouth. She had another attack. Br Winder called and
we again administered to her he being mouth. Sister Winder agreed to

remain tonight and assist. At 830 she had another attack. The room being warm, Emma
proposed moving her down stairs into the parlor, which Bro Nuttall did by moving a
cottage bedstead & bed down and on its being fixed he carried Alice in his arms
down stairs & she was soon made comfortable in a cooler room. She had
another attack about 10 oclock when Bro Nuttall and I administered to her, I
being mouth. She then settled down and went to sleep for 3 hours, roused up,
took her medicine & to sleep again till after daylight. I did not get any sleep
until about midnight when everything being quiet I slept & rested well till
morning. Bro Nuttall was of great help all night.


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1027 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
214 mentions


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Letter from Eli Carlos Openshaw, 19 August 1897

Mesa City. . Prez. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I can say that I exsept the call to go and perform a mission with pleasure, and with the help of the Lord try to be on hand at the apointed time. Our Prez. Brother Hakes is away at present but I have understood that it was not necessary for those who have been through the Temple to go around by the City. But that they could be set apart here and go straight through to Chatanuga, and save some the exspence that way, for times are

Letter from Joseph Jacob Jr., 19 August 1897

Charleston . Pres. Wilford Woodruff S. L. City Dear brother: Your letter of the 14 inst. calling me on a mission to Germany and Switzerland was duely rreceived; and in reply I will say that I will be pleased to fill the mission to the best of my ability and will be ready to start on the date named. Your brother in the gospel, Joseph Jacob Jr. I am pleased and Gratified To indorse the above Note Wm Blake Bishop of Center Ward

Letter from Joseph W. Ward, 19 August 1897

To The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Dear Brothers I received your letter of in quiry a few days a go and I am sory to say that my circumstances is so that I could not go now as I am ind indept quite a lot and my learning is very poor hoping these few lines will find you all rite I remane your brother in the gospel Joseph W. Ward

Letter from John Whittaker Taylor, 19 August 1897

Manassa. Conejas County Colarado Aug 19, 1897 Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother: On Aug 1st Elders Geo H. Brimhall, H. S. Ensign, Charles Mann, David Mann, J. H. Grant, Herbert A. White, Wm C. Clive and I came to Manassa. We spent 3 days in the Kanyon up the Conejas river with 100 of the saints and their friends rusticating and we had a very enjoyable time upon returning to the valley we held meeting in Manassa, Sanford, Richfield, Morgan, Sunflower, Antoneto and Eastdale, at the latter place I ordained Bishop Jensen as per your instructions to Prest.


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Aug 19, 1897