Day in the Life

Jan 3, 1898

Journal Entry

January 03, 1898 ~ Monday

Monday Jan 3rd Did not have a good night, troubled on my lungs. Went to
the office, recd a letter from M & answered it. busy at my desk & left for home at 330


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Letter from Benjamin Cluff Jr., 3 January 1898
Wilford Woodruff, President Deseret Telegraph Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I am in receipt of a permit over the Deseret Telegraph lines for 1898, for which please accept my thanks. I remain Very respectfully, Benjamin Cluff, Jr.
Letter from Andrew Smith Jr., 3 January 1898
Monday . To The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Beloved Brethren: Your letter of appoint- ment came duly to hand Dec 20 [18]97, and I can say I was much encouraged from the kind and loving words of comfort the same contained. I thank you for the confidence you have manifested in appointing ^me^ to take charge of this the Australian part of of the vineyard of our God, and with the help of the Lord I will endeavor to do my part as that part developes upon my mind, or when opportunitys presents themselves. I did not think when I left my Mountain home that I would be called to such a responsible possition, but I never shrank from a call made of me by the Priesthood over me and I hope and pray I never will. I may not be able to make any particular spread, that may be noticeable, but if I can feel that I am doing my part I will be satisfied whether it be much or little Elder Scott W. Anderson will leave Sydney for

Jan 3, 1898