Day in the Life

Feb 3, 1898

Journal Entry

February 03, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thurs Feb 3rd. I do not feel very well this morning my urinary organs
are troubling me. I call^ed^ on Bro Andrew Smith to come and stay
with me at nights, which he will do. Went to the office and attended
to my duties. Br Nuttall waited on me today as he has done every
day before which has helped me. Recd letter from M & answered it. returned
home at 330 pm.


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Letter from Peter Hixson, 3 February 1898

Wanship Pres. Woodruff, Dear Bro. I am imn receipt of your letter bearing date of Jan. 31st calling me to preform a mission to the Indian Terriory. Will state in reply that by the help of God I will respond to the call, and be prepaired to start on the time appointed. Your Bro. in the Gospel, Peter Hixson. E R Young Bishop

Letter from Daniel Mackay, 3 February 1898

Office of the first Presidancy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, Dear Bretheren. Yours of Jan 26th recived. I am pleased to say I will be ready by the time speci- fied to depart for my mission I am allso pleased that I have been deemed worthy of Recomend by my Bishop. To be called as a laborer in the cause of truth, even to the nations of the Earth. And I trust that I may remain faithful. So that when I am notified of my Departure, I may fill my mission satisfactory to my self & Heavenly Father, to my Bretheren of the Presideancy, and to those of the Ward that sent me. Your Brother in the Gosple of Christ Daniel Mackay. Taylorvill S. L. County. Heber Bennion Bp.

Telegram to James Godson Bleak, 3 February 1898

Received at St George at 2 Pm. Dated, Salt Lake Utah 3rd [18]98 To James G Bleak Saint George. Send names as soon as possible that the work may be done here W. Woodruff. Prest. Wilford Woodruff S L C 4th Feb Names leave by to-days mail J G B [sideways text] BE SURE YOU ANSWER BY THIS LINE. [end of sideways text] [sideways text] SEE OFFICE ADDRESS ON THIS MESSAGE. [end of sideways text] LINES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO.

Letter to Edward James Apollinaris Coyle, 3 February 1898

E. J. Coyle, Esq., Dist. Passenger Agent Canadian Pacific Ry., Vancouver, B. C. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of an annual pass over the Canadian Pacific Railway, sent with your compliments, and I desire to thank you for this courtesy, the favor being highly appreciated. I remain, Yours truly, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from Lee Preston, 3 February 1898

Benson Presidendt Wilford Woodruff: Salt Lake City Dear Brother: I am pleased to think I am considrered worthy of being called to fulfil a mission to the Suthern States, & I will be on hand at the time appoindted Your Bro. In the Gospel Lee Preston H W Ballard Bishop

Letter from Rudolph Korth, 3 February 1898

Brigham City North Ward Feb 3rd, 1898 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of the 1st inst Wherein you desired that I should go on a Mission to Australia to sail from Vancouver about the 5th April, and wanted an answer as soon as convienent in regard to this call. Well Dear Brother I feel it is a call from God our Eternal Father. I know his will is revealed through his servants the Phrop^h^ets ^Prophets^ And I have endeavered in my weak way to obey those in Authority over me, and to do the Will of the Lord. And I feel that way now in regards to this call. God's Will, be done, not mine, I will go and do that whatich is required of me as a servant of God ^with the help of the Lord^. I will be ready to leave at the time appointed. I remain Your Brother In the Gospel Rudolph Korth Thomas Harper Bishop Rudger Clawson Prest. of Stake

Letter from Izen Trowers, 3 February 1898

Salt Lake City, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Pres. Church of J. C. of L.D.S. Dear Sir: I have taken the honor of addressing you by letter privately for the purpose of obtaining a settlement of a few ques- tions of great importance as follows. Is it against the church (Mormon Church) to study Hypnotism, Healing (human magnates as it is comonly called) or Astrology? for the purpose of advancement, elevating the mind, or in short, to study them for the good there is cointained in them, and plainer, with no evil intent, it beying against my nature. I am a member of the church inof good standing holding the presthood to a certain de- gree, & Desire to become influencial in church circles at a future day. Hopying to here from you soon I remain, Your Servant Izen Trowers. Addres Geneva Ut.

Feb 3, 1898