Day in the Life

Feb 21, 1898

Journal Entry

February 21, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon Feb 21st Went to the office feeling fairly well, able to attend
to my daily duties. Went home at 4 pm. John L. Smith died at St George this morning.


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Smith, John Lyman
17 Nov 1828 - 21 Feb 1898


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Letter from William John Seely, 21 February 1898

Provo City, Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I received yours of the 11th informing me that I am counted worthy ^to^ go into the world and promulgate the Everlasting Gospel. I feel this to be a great privilege and shall be on hand at the time appointed Your Brother in the Gospel W. J. Seely F M Reynolds Presiding Elder of Castle Dale ward

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 21 February 1898

Thatcher, Arizona, To the First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: During the rush of our reorganization and the extra labors that followed we have not been able to com- plete this task until now and here- with send you 36 names. I have interviewed each wards Bishop- rice in connection with My Councelers and have carefully considered each name. I would recommend that as for as pract- icable they be sent to the missions in warm climates such as Ind- ain Territory and Southern States, and those better off and young to the Islands. Brother David P. Kimballs son Thomas, was called at one time about the time of his Fathers death and when the family were left in a very bad condition. I would

Letter from Joseph Morgan, 21 February 1898

Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: I shall be ready to leave Salt Lake City on a mission to the Southern States on the 21 of April 1898, as requested in your letter of 15th inst. Your Brother in the Gospel, Joseph Morgan. Bishop Daniel E. Price

Letter from Clarence Gardner, 21 February 1898

Afton, Wyo. Bro. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Yours of the 17th inst. came to hand day before yesterday. In reply to same will say, that I feel it a pleasure and great priviledge to be counted worthy to be called to go and preach the Gospel. Although I feel very weak in doing so I am perfectly willing to go and do my best in spreading the true Gospel in the land and to preach the same to those who dwell in darkness. I shall make all pre- parations to start, for the place assigned me viz: Eastern States,

Letter from John Samuel Lewis Sr., 21 February 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro I received my Call. In answer to same, will say, I will be there onat the time apointed Your In the cause of truth John S Lewis. Lewis Alonzo Brinkerhoff, Bp Mont

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 21 February 1898

President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother, In connection with Bishop E. Z. Carbine we visited Arcadia Branch of Parker ward Sunday 13th inst. The branch has 22 families, a good lively Sunday school, have built a comfortable meeting ^house^ 20 x 40 ft. which is paid for and on the occasion of our visit we dedicated the house. It was the general opinion of myself the Bishop and the unanimous feeling of the people that they should have a ward organization. The branch is fifteen miles apart from Parker ward proper. The name of the ward was talked of and decided upon viz: that it should be called Ora that being the name of the Port Office. At a High Counsel

Letter from John Alma Hess, 21 February 1898

Georgetown Ida First Presidency of Church of Jesus Christ Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro: Yours of Jan. 12, 1898 to hand and contents carefully noted. I will try and if possible be prepared, according to request, for the October 1898 Departure. God, who knows my real sentiments, knows that nothing other than finances, hads held me now. I am now much involved but God being my helper I believe that I shall be able to go when desired. Please give me your promise as to success! Your Bro in The Gospel J. A. Hess Georgetown Idaho Look inside


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Feb 21, 1898