Day in the Life

Apr 21, 1898

Journal Entry

April 21, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thur Ap 21. I am feeling well in my health, and can attend to my labors at
the office. Attended my usual meeting at the Temple.


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Letter from Peter Greaves, 21 April 1898

Ephraim, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Sir: A report is current at Provo that Prof A. C. Lund has quietly left for a mission to Germany. His wife who is my daughter, knew nothing of his departure. She was on a visit to her parents when he left Provo. She would like to know whether he has gone on a mission or on business of his own. She is living in a rented house, and so far as she knows, no provision has been made for paying the rent or for the support of herself and baby. She is comparatively a stranger in Provo and has no way of making a living even if she were in fit condition, which she is not. Please give me an early answer and oblige Yours Respectfully Peter Greaves Pr. P.

Letter from Stephen Hailstone, 21 April 1898

Logan President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your favor leaving the date of April 20 received, calling me on a mission to the Northernwestern States. I willingly accept the call and shall be ready to go on May 5th the date given in your letter. Your Brother in the Gospel Stephen Hailstone O.K. A. L. Skanchy Bp. Logan ^6th^ ward

Letter from Collins R. Hakes and W. J. LeBaron, 21 April 1898

Mesa To Pres. Wilford Woodruff and Councilors Dear Brethren the signs of the times indicate that our country has to face the Harroes of War and much speculation is induleged in as to the course we should pursue as a people. Some of our people are opposed to our brethren joining the malitia of the Territory and thereby being liable to have to take part in the field. Many of our brethren are at present members of the malitia some of whosem time of enlistment is about out and are undecided whether to reeinlist or not. any council or advise you may see fit to give on that or any other point will be thankfuly recived in view of the fact that we are right on the border of Mexico and in rather an exposed condition I and my councilors have advised our people to arm themselves and organize into a home guard for our protection and our friend are joining us I have just returned from a visit to our Governer and have secured twenty stand of arms and the promise of more. the Mexican population here are nearly all in sympathy with the Spanish and may make some trouble our prospects for

Letter from James Burgess, 21 April 1898

to the first presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. Dear Brethren inasmuch as you know my affliction and unable to sit up I am greatly distressed ^and^ almost Blind I appeal to you once more upon your past favors and take this opportunity of thanking you for the same I must now state to you that I am greatly in need of some present help I wish you would help me. a little money at the present would be a great Blessing to me and whatever else in the shape of assistance you will render me please send in a letter to


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Apr 21, 1898