Day in the Life

Apr 29, 1898

Journal Entry

April 29, 1898 ~ Friday

Fri Ap 29th At the office, busy with the Salary Committee, they cut my
salary 40%. I signed several Liverpool office Drafts and went home at 350


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Letter from Albert Herbert Young, 29 April 1898

Three Mile Creek Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter yesterday stating my name had been suggested & accepted as a Missionary to the Southern States. I can say in reply that I am willing to accept the call & do what I can in my week way towards sowing the seeds of the Gospel in that part of the world. If all is well I will be at Salt Lake City on the 14th or 15th of June Yours most Sincerely Albert Young James Nielsen Sr Bisop

Letter from Niels Joseph Nielsen, 29 April 1898

Hyrum Pres. Wilfrod Woodruff Dear Bro. In reply to the call for me to preform a Mission to the North Western States I will be to the Hist Office on the 16th of June to be set apart for my Mission. Your Bro. N. J. Nielsen Hyrum J F Wright Bp

Letter from Edwin Washington Paxman, 29 April 1898

Nephi City, Utah . 189 President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear President Woodruff: Your letter of the 25th. inst. requesting me to go on a mission to the Eastern States is to hand. I feel highly honored in being con- sidered worthy to go and help spread the work of the Lord to the nations of the earth. I cheerfully accept the call as from the Lord and with His help will do all in my power to fill an honorable mission. I know the Gospel is true and rejoice in the testimony thereof and feel extreme ly pleased in the confidence of my bretheren in the priesthood and in the opportunity of bearing my testoimony with the many hundreds of Elders to the world of the restoration of the gospel and the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith. The Lord blessing me with health and strength I will be ready to start at the appointed time—May 14th. Can you put me in the way of getting ifnformation as to what cloth- ing and other things it will be necessary for me to take? Your brother in the Gospel of Christ, Edwin. W. Paxman T. H. G. Parkes Bp. 2nd Ward Nephi

Letter from Jesse T. Reese, 29 April 1898

Benson April 29, 1898 Pres. Wilford Woodruf, Dear Sir: About eight months ago I received a letter from Box B. asking my circum- stances & if I would not like to preach the Gospel. I wrote back telling my circumstances and received an answer that no call would be made of me at that time, but when I felt able to go, to report. Since that time I have been very economical in money mat- ters but with all my economy, have been able to save but very little. I have been trying to get ready to go this year. Some people have advised me to go, telling me that I think if his courage fail not, it would be well for him to go on his mission about the middle of July, or as soon thereafter as he can, not going wholly by sight, but trus- ting a little in the Lord. "God and a good man make a large majority," sometimes. J. F. S.


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Apr 29, 1898