Day in the Life

May 2, 1898

Journal Entry

May 02, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon May 2nd. drove to the office feeling better, and was quite busy all day
went home at 4 pm


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Letter to Susa Young Gates, 2 May 1898

Letter from James Albert Weaver, 2 May 1898

President Woodruff Dear Brother I execpt the call chearfull as I am selected to fill a mission for the Sourthern states I shall endover to do the best I can. and use the knoledge that god will bless me with. I shall arrange to be in Salt Lake the day appointed June 15. your brother in the gospel James Weaver. James Nielsen Sr Bishop

Letter from Hans C. Christiansen, 2 May 1898

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I received your letter of Apr 12 and will accept the call made of me as a missionary to Scandinavia and will be ready to start from Salt Lake City any time in October. Your Brother in the Gospel Hans C. Christiansen. Alonzo Brinkerhoff Bp.

Letter from Lyman Agustus McBride, 2 May 1898

Toole City, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Your letter of 28th inst. calling me on a mission to Germany came duly to hand. I accept, and greatly appreciate the call and will be on hand at the appointed time in October Your brother in the Gospel Lyman A. McBride Tooele City Utah I fully endorse the above answer of Bro Lyman A. McBride in regard to the call you have made on him Thomas Atkin Bp Tooele

Letter from Stanley A. Hanks, 2 May 1898

Tooele City, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother. Your letter of the 28th, calling me on a mission to the Southern States came duely to hand. I accept and greatly appreciate the call and shall be on hand at the appointed time June 16th. Your Brother in the Gospel. Stanley A. Hanks. I do fully endorse the answer of Bro Stanley ^A^ Hanks in regard to his call to preform a mission Thomas Atkin Bp Tooele

Letter from Jared Edward Campbell Jr., 2 May 1898

Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro Your letter is at hand of April 26, appointing me to a mission to the Eastern States In reply I will say that I will be ready to go at the time mentiomed Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ J. E. Campbell Jr. D. F. Lau. Bp.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

$40 M paid cash $30. T[ithing] $10 $40 40

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 2, 1898