22nd we had a good road to day we drove to salt creek Nooned then
passed Mt Nebo & willow creek went to summit creek & camped we
drove 36 miles to day
~ Friday
23rd we rode to Petetenich & to Provo fort & on to Battle creek &
~ Saturday
24th We drove into the salt Lake valley. I left Brothers Smoot &
Stewart quite sick they were glad to get Home I took tea with
Br & Sister Smoot. I then called at Thomas Kingtons left a
letter went on with the company to the city. An escort of
100 Horsemen came out to meet us we went into the city
amid the roar of canon I went Home to my family & found
them all well and we found on our return the Lord Had
given our crops A plenty of rain it had rained 12 days in
succession And the people were Blessed. Little Salt Lake
is 250 miles from Great Salt Lake so the whole distance
of our travel to & from was 500 miles
An Eastern Mail Arived an hour Before we did & Brought many papers 25And Letters I received 2 letters from I F Carter & one from Foster
~ Sunday
25th Sunday The People Assembled in the Bowery & filled the
House President B. Young Addressed the meeting spoke of our
Journey over the Mountains & made many interesting remarks
In the Afternoon the meeting was Addressed By W Woodruff E. T. Bens[on]
And President Young then preached A loud sermon to the people
told them if they went to the Merchants as they had done
& run in debt they would soon find themselves slaves to their
enemies & fools, told the people to go to making leather & cloth
& the women to card their wool & flak spin their flax & make
cloth & many plain & pointed things were spoken in the eve[ni]ng
we met for Prayer & Had a good time
30thI spent the day Hunting a lost cow rode 15 mils
~ Saturday
31st I received A letter from Ilus F Carter conta-
ining an Invoice of goods sent By Mr Monroe I wrote
Him one letter containing one sheet & a half giving him
what News I could
~ Sunday
June 1st 1851 Sunday when I arived at meeting President Young was speaking & the following is a synopsis of His
discourse. "If a man does right He shall have the spirit of God
to enlighten his mind in all things yet all men will be
tryed, Buffeted, & tempted more or less in this probation & He
that governs himself is wise. If a man is unrighteously
Angry He should let it sleep & not show itself untill He is right
again. good Men may be left to commit a gross sin But
if He had watched closely He would Have escaped the evil. the
Lord intends all men to be tryed in this life & if you Build
~ Thursday
22nd we had a good road to day we drove to salt creek Nooned then
passed Mt Nebo & willow creek went to summit creek & camped we
drove 36 miles to day
~ Friday
23rd we rode to Petetenich & to Provo fort & on to Battle creek &
~ Saturday
24th we drove into the salt Lake valley. I left Brothers Smoot &
Stewart quite sick they were glad to get home I took tea with
Br & Sister Smoot. I then called at Thomas Kingtons Left a
letter went on with the company to the city. An escort of
100 horseman came out to meet us we went into the city
amid the roar of canon I went home to my family & found
them all well and we found on our return the Lord had
given our crops a plenty of rain it had rained 12 days in
succession and the people were blessed. Little Salt Lake
is 250 miles from Great Salt Lake so the whole distance
of our travel to & from was 500 miles
An Eastern mail arived an hour before we did & brought many papers
[FIGURE]And Letters I received 2 letters from I F Carter & one from Foster
~ Sunday
25th [FIGURE] Sunday The People assembled in the Bowery & filled the
House President B Young addressed the meeting spoke of our
Journey over the mountains & made many interesting remarks
In the afternoon the meeting was addressed By W Woodruff E. T. Benson
and President Young then preached a loud sermon to the people
told them if they went to the merchants as they had done
& run in debt they would soon find themselves slaves to their
enemies & fools told the people to go to making leather & cloth
& the women to card their wool &spin their flax & make
cloth & many plain & pointed things were spoken in the evening
we met for Prayer & had a good time
27th I went to fishing & caught 49 trout spent the night to Br Kingtons
~ Wednesday
28th I returned home 10
~ Thursday
29th I spent the day at home choreing
~ Friday
30th I spent the day hunting a lost cow rode 15 mils
~ Saturday
31st FIGURES I received a letter from Ilus F Carter containing an Invoice of goods sent by Mr Monroe I wrote
him one letter containing one sheet & a half giving him
what News I could
~ Sunday
June 1st 1851 Sunday when I arived at meeting President
Young was speaking & the following is a synopsis of his
discourse "If a man does right he shall have the spirit of God
to enlighten his mind in all things yet all men will be
tryed, buffeted, & tempted more or less in this probation & he
that governs himself is wise. If a man is unrighteously
angry he should let it sleep & not show itself untill he is right
again. good men may be left to commit a gross sin but
if he had watched closely he would have escaped the evil. the
Lord intends all men to be tryed in this life & if you build
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," May 22, 1851 - June 1, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://arts.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/VOko