another Hell for we are in Hell go to the world & preach the gospel
you will find some people as honest & good as Angels as far as they
know But do they have revelations from God & know the things
of God? No they do not. If Brother Kempton has had his sins
forgiven & remitted without Baptism so could all men
But this is false for no man could have forgiveness without
the sheding of Blood & Baptism the Bible says unless you keep the
commandments you cannot be saved when Br Kempton sayes
He knows his sins were forgiven before He was Baptized
He dont know what He sayes. At times the spirit of God is given
to men to see the kingdom of God And they think they are
in it when they have not entered the door of Baptism dont
go & call the different Denominations Because their sins are
not forgiven them that they are always going to dwell in Hell
for if they aere honest they will have a glory greater than
many who carry the Gospel to men their is as good people
among all sects Gentiles Jews & Heathen as their is on Earth
they act according to the best light they have. what is the condem-
nation of this Government, light has come into the world & men love
darkness rather than light they reject that light fight the prop
hets & shed their Blood for this they are damned
Elder Sherwood Arose & said that the priesthood Had made Joseph Brigham & all men what they were by the assistance of light & truth
as far as we follow light & truth so far we shall Appoxamate
towards light & truth & God if God & Angels were made what
they are by truth as far as we learn that truth & follows out
the council of it so far He will be like God & when He leaves that
truth He goes into darkness & misery. If the united States were practi-
zing truth they would be vary different from what they now are
the practice of right things make men rejoice the practice of Evil
things make sorrow we are Agents to do right or wrong if A man
feels disposed to go to Hell He has a right to it is no mans business
He goes on his own responsibility And Agency so if He wishes to
Go to Heaven He has a right to By keeping a celestial Law let me
do my work to Acceptance. we know many truths we cannot think
off [of]. Adjourned untill 2 oclok
Met According to Adjournment. The officers of the Church were
presented to the Aassembly and Accepted in the following order
The Presidency, Twelve, President of the stake, Patriarch, High
council, High Priest, Seventies, Bishops, Elders priests Teachers
& Deacons Perpetual Emigrating Company, Historian, Building
President Young sayes I want to esstablish some travelling
Bishops A thing that we never have done. when I Approach
the subject of the Bishops I pause not with a trembling hand
but I want to take time & look at it all day until we can see
clearer than we now do. this people still stick to the world
love the world. We should use the world & not worship it
No man is free indeed untill He is free in Christ And
Above the world dont worship the world you will not be free
Is their any one that has any thing but what God gave him
you cannot make one hair white or Black. Now it is our
duty to feed cloth & sustain the families of those who are in
the vineyard preaching if we let them suffer & they die their
Blood will be required at our hands. we as a people have never
another Hell for we are in Hell go to the world & preach the gospel
you will find some people as honest & good as Angels as far as they
know but do they have revelations from God & know the things
of God No they do not. If Brother Kempton has had his sins
forgiven & remitted without baptism so could all men
but this is false for no man could have forgiveness without
the sheding of blood & baptism the Bible says unless you keep the
commandments you cannot be saved when Br Kempton sayes
he knows his sins were forgiven before he was baptized
he dont know what he sayes At times the spirit of God is given
to men to see the kingdom of God and they think they are
in it when they have not entered the door of baptism dont
go & call the different Denominations because their sins are
not forgiven them that they are always going to dwell in Hell
for if they are honest they will have a glory greater than
many who carry the Gospel to men their is as good people
among all sects Gentiles Jews & Heathen as their is on Earth
they act according to the best light they have. what is the condemnation of this Government, light has come into the world & men love
darkness rather the light they reject that light fight the prop
hets & shed their blood for this they are damned
Elder Sherwood arose & said that the priesthood had made JosephBrigham & all men what they were by the assistance of light & truth
as far as we follow light & truth so far we shall appoxamate
towards light & truth & God if God & Angels were made what
they are by truth as far as we learn that truth & follows out
the council of it so far he will be like God & when he leaves that
truth he goes into darkness & misery. If the United States were practizing truth they would be vary different from what they now are
the practice of right things make men rejoice the practice of Evil
things make sorrow we are agents to do right or wrong if a man
feels disposed to go to Hell he has a right to it is no mans business
He goes on his own responsibility and agency so if he wishes to
Go to Heaven he has a right to by keeping a Celestial law let me
do my work to acceptance. we know many truths we cannot think
of. Adjourned untill 2 oclok
Met according to adjournment. The officers of the church were
presented to the assembly and accepted in the following order
The Presidency, Twelve, President of the stake, Patriarch, High
council, High Priest, Seventies, Bishops, Elders priests Teachers
& Deacons Perpetual Emigrating Company, & Historian, Building
President Young sayes I want to esstablish some travelling
Bishops a thing that we never have done. when I approach
the subject of the Bishops I pause not with a trembling hand
but I want to take time & look at it all day until we can see
clearer than we now do. this people still stick to the world
love the world, we should use the world & not worship it
No man is free indeed untill he is free in Christ and
above the world dont worship the world you will not be free
Is their any one that has anything but what God gave him
you cannot make one hair white or black. Now it is our
duty to feed cloth & sustain the families of those who are in
the vineyard preaching if we let them suffer & they die their
blood will be required at our hands we as a people have never
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," September 8, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 26, 2025,