wisdom & ingenuety in temperal things true friendship is
not known on the Earth if it is not among this people But the
friendship of this people is the fruits of the gospel of Jesus Christ
this must continue to improve untill they are perfect
In speaking upon the subject of tithing the President thought
their Had not Been $200 dollars paid in cash during the
past Year inby this people in tithing But they chave paid the
merchants $200000 in cash, & their is now 30000 Bushels
of wheat due on tithing. Shall we dispens with the Law of
Tithing. Dont you want a Building to meet in to worship God
we want a Tabernacle, & A Temple for our Endowments
Also A Tower to Hang a Bell on & we want to keep building
up Zion that Israel may have A place of rest. if we do this
we do our duty we have duties to perform And a warfare
to accomplish but the victory will soon be ours the greatest
warfare is with ourselves if we can gain a victory with
ourselves so as to have peace with ourselves our wives & childn
we shall do well. many other interesting remarks were
made by the president.
In the Afternoon the meeting was Addressed by O Spencer
in an edifying manner. And was followed by Elder Kimball who spoke much to the edifycation of the people
we Had our prayer meeting in the evening & was in
council untill 10 oclok
3. I went to porters Mill & got A load of Lumber &
caught 15 trout
~ Wednesday
4th I went to see my Herd of oxen that was brought down
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
5thth 7th I spent the time about my labour
~ Sunday
8th Sunday President Young Addressed A full assembly of
the Saints as follows. I want to speak such things as are
in my heart. All that are acquainted with me know that my
religion embraces all things that Belong to the duties of life
The religion I have embraces all the principles of present
future, progressive & Eternal Salvation in evry sens of the
word. I labour for the salvation of myself & my Brethren I would
be glad to speak to thousands even the whole world if they could
Hear I would not like to preach in this House to 20 or 100 persons
when more than 1000 could get in Here then for 20 or 1100 more come
& Have to preach 20 or 50 times to have the people learn when
they could learn it all at once. The President of the Seventies
called A separate meeting to day I come & dismissed it what if the
Twelve TSeventies High Priest, Elders, priest, Teachers, Deacons & members
should do the same there would be bear walls for the House to
preach to & what good would it do? If the presidency of the seventies
Have such important things to lay before the quorum as to get them to
-gether on Sunday let them come & teach us all. I now want to
give council in this matter from this time forth & forever let
not the president of any quorum ever again call a separate meeting
from the public congregation unless the president of the Church order
it. The seventies should be Here And all the people should be Here
let the seventies Hall go & all other Business when Sunday comes
wisdom & ingenuety in temperal things true friendship is
not known on the Earth if it is not among this people But the
friendship of this people is the fruits of the gospel of Jesus Christ
this must continue to improve untill they are perfect
In speaking upon the subject of tithing the President thought
their had not Been $200 dollars paid in cash during the
past Yearby this people in tithing but they have paid the
merchants $200000 in cash, & their is now 30000 bushels
of wheat due on tithing. Shall we dispens with the Law of
Tithing. Dont you want a building to meet in to worship God
we want a Tabernacle, & a Temple for our Endowments
also a Tower to hang a bell on & we want to keep building
up Zion that Israel may have a place of rest. if we do this
we do our duty we have duties to perform and a warfare
to accomplish but the victory will soon be ours the greatest
warfare is with ourselves if we can gain a victory with
ourselves so as to have peace with ourselves our wives & childn
we shall do well. many other interesting remarks were
made by the president.
In the afternoon the meeting was addressed by O Spencer
in an adifying manner. And was followed by Elder
Kimball who spoke much to the edifycation of the people
we had our prayer meeting in the evening & was in
council untill 10 oclok
~ Monday
2nd June I spent the day at home
~ Tuesday
3, I went to porters Mill & got a load of Lumber &
caught 15 trout
~ Wednesday
4th I went to see my herd of oxen that was brought down
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
5th 6th 7th I spent the time about my labour
~ Sunday
8th Sunday President Young addressed a full assembly of
the Saints as follows. I want to speak such things as are
in my heart. All that are acquainted with me know that my
religion embraces all things that belong to the duties of life
The Religion I have embraces all the principles of present
future, progressive & Eternal Salvation in evry sens of the
word. I labour for the salvation of myself & my Brethren I would
be glad to speak to thousands even the whole world if they could
hear I would not like to preach in this house to 20 or 100 persons
when more than 1000 could get in here then for 20 or100 more come
& have to preach 20 or 50 times to have the people learn when
they could learn it all at once. The President of the Seventies
called a separate meeting to day I come & dismissed it what if the
Twelve Seventies High Priest, Elders, priest, Teachers, Deacon & member
should do the same there would be bear walls for the house to
preach to & what Good would it do. If the presidency of the seventies
have such important things to lay before the quorum as to get them to
-gether on sunday let them come & teach us all. I now want to
give council in this matter from this time forth & forever let
not the president of any quorum ever again call a separate meeting
from the public congregation unless the president of the Church order
it. The seventies should be here and all the people should be here
let the seventies Hall go & all other business when Sunday comes
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," June 1, 1851 - June 8, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://arts.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/YEnY