whare the Lord shall place you. scease your contention one with
another Never go to law. gather your families together &
pray for me & my Brethren & yourselves untill A Blessing [rains upon]
Noah Packard spoke said many things said He wanted to
be a son of thunder. [Mark 3:17]
E. D. Woolley Addressed the meeting made many good remarks
said we had a Joseph with us in the person of B. Young
B Young wished to say a few words to the Mormon Battalion those
who are wanting their extra pay are applying to William, Blair
& Babbit if you apply to these men & give them the papers &
they cheat you out of it dont complan, & I say to those
men not to take any papers from those who have had their
pay or sold their claims to others. If you want your pay Apply
Here, & you can get it. You did not enlist to get $8 per Month
they enlisted us to kill us And because we speak our sentiments
we are Accused of treason I dont ask any odds of the U. S. I will
express my feelings to drive us from our Millions & possessions
then require us to fight their Battles is not right.
I shall pay my tithing. The Twelve will pay one 10th of their possess[ions]
& the Bishops And all will pay their tithing. This is the kingdom
of God & if it falls I am willing to fall with it. I had rather
fall than stand if the Priesthood falls. All covenanted
to pay their tithing one tenth of all they possess
Bishop Hunter spok upon the tithing would Begin with himself
& wishedto all the Bishops to do the same
President Youg said He wished all the people to pay their
tithing to the Bishops of their ward. He refered to the remarks
made By Father Smith on the word of wisdom. He said $50000
dollars had Been spent in the valley during the past year for needless
things for coffee tea Tobaco &c many others remaks were made
By President Youg "Elder Banks spoke upon the law of liberty
President Young followed in reply & said the liberty of the Holy Gospel
was peace & righteousness we had no liberty to take away another
mans rights but the first principle of liberty was resignation &
submission for go whare you will to Heaven or Hell you have to submit
to laws we are at liberty to Adobt evry Holy principle to all
Eternity go east North or south keep evry thing you want for
yourself wife children Houses cattle & create out of the elements
evry thing you can yet you are not at liberty to infiringe
upon the rights of men you may have the privilege to do all
things that is done in heaven. Organize the elements give commands
& rule over kingdoms But be subject to such laws as you
are under the law of liberty is to do right for God to all
Eternity the opposite principle is to be discontented with things
to be different from what they are this is Hell & all the Hell their
is I dont care how things are if I do right we shall find the law
of liberty to be Eternal life light & peace which will increase
to all Eternity we ought not to do an Evil to cause pain to any crea-
ture, still their are some things that would appear to be evil I know
to be good to cut some mens heads off as it would be the ownly
way they could be saved. God will increase his kingdom to
all Eternity so shall we increase our kingdom to all Eternity
whare the Lord shall place you. scease your contention one with
another Never go to law. gather your families together &
pray for me & my Brethren & yourselves untill a blessing rains upon
Noah Packard spoke said many things said he wanted to
be a son of thunder.
E. D. Woolley addressed the meeting made many good remarks
said we had a Joseph with us in the person of B. Young
B Young wished to say a few words to the Mormon Battalion those
who are wanting their extra pay are applying to William, Blair
& Babbit if you apply to these men & give them the papers &
they cheat you out of it dont complan, & I say to those
men not to take any papers from those who have had their
pay or sold their claims to others. If you want your pay apply
here, & you can get it. You did not enlist to get $8 pr month
they enlisted us to kill us and because we speak our sentimets
we are accused of treason I dont ask any odds of the U.S. I will
express my feelings to drive us from our Millions & possessions
than require us to fight their battles is not right.
I shall pay my tithing. The Twelve will pay one 10th of their possessions
& the Bishops and all will pay their tithing. This is the kingdom
of God & if it falls I am willing to fall with it. I had rather
fall than stand if the Priesthood falls. All covenanted
to pay their tithing one tenth of all they possess
Bishop Hunter spok upon the tithing would begin with himself
& wished all the Bishops to do the same
President Youg said he wished all the people to pay their
tithing to the Bishops of their ward. He refered to the remarks
made by Father Smith on the word of wisdom. He said $50000
dollars had been spent in the valley during the past year for needless
things for Coffee tea Tobaco &c many others remaks were mad
By president Youg "Elder Banks spoke upon the law of liberty
President Youg followed in reply & said the liberty of the Holy Gospel
was peace & righteousness we had no liberty to take away another
mans rights but the first principle of liberty was resignation &
submission for go whare you will to Heaven or Hell you have to submit
to laws we are at liberty to adobt evry Holy principle to all
Eternity go East North or South keep evry thing you want for
yourself wife children houses cattle & create out of the elements
evry thing you can yet you are not at liberty to infringe
upon the rights of men you may have the privilege to do all
things that is done in heaven. Organize the elements give commands
& rule over kingdoms but be subject to such laws as you
are under the law of liberty is to do right for God to all
Eternity the opposite principle is to be discontented with things
to be different from what they are this is Hell & all the Hell their
is I dont care how things are if I do right we shall find the law
of liberty to be Eternal life light & peace which will increase
to all Eternity we ought not to do an Evil to cause pain to any creature, still their are some things that would appear to be evil I know
to be good to cut some mens heads off as it would be the ownly
way they could be saved. God will increase his kingdom to
all Eternity so shall we increase our kingdom to all Eternity
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," September 8, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 28, 2025, https://arts.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/v2zn