26th I rode with Br Wells across the Battle ground whare the Indians
fought our Brethren with Br Wells as the leader of the Saints He gave
me an account of the Battle which was interesting. We rode to
Petatenich creek met with the ox teams Here who were appo[i]nted
to go to Iron County they went along with us we travled to Summit creek & camped for the night in the evening A meeting
was called to organize the camp Brother Wells was our captain B. Young President H. C. Kimball W. Woodruff E. T. Benson & J Young councellors. President Young while speaking of the Resurrection
said that we should receive the same Bodies that we lay down
if our dust was Blown to the four winds of Heaven
~ Sunday
27th We rode to salt creek & camped by the salt cave which is
composed of about 2/3 salt & 1/3 clay & it is suppose that many of the salt
springs originate in this way by the wash of the salt
~ Monday
28th We rode about 5 miles into the kanyon to visit a salt spring which
forms salt on the rocks sufficient to supply many families
we rode into san pitch valley & camped on a creek for the night
~ Tuesday
29th We rode to San pitch settlement as we came in sight we
were saluted by the fireing of cannon & waveing of flags we
were received with warmth By Father Morley & the people in
general their is about 100 families Here they are farming Have
a school House commenced A council House, &c I called upon
Brother Brown & other friends Capt Jones &c. We had A meeting in
the evening B Young Addressed the meeting in An interesting manner
said His faith was that the Earth would not Have produced for
the Gentiles as it has for us & if we had faith & power with God
to Have the curse taken off instead of the sage Brush & other
useless shrubs we should have the Apple, pear, peach grape & evry
good fruit. But if this people do not take a different course
from what they do in some things, their Blessings will prove a
curse & wo will be unto them & other remarks were made
He was followed By Elder Kimball who spoke well & backed
up His testimony W. Woodruff followed & expressed his feelings
I spent the night with Br Brown
~ Wednesday
30th We met for athe purpose of organizing A High Council
there were twelve men chosen & were ordained to be High
councellors & 4 were ordained to be High Priest under the
Hands of E T Benson & W. Woodruff the meeting was
then addressed By John & Lorenzo Young. In the Afternoon
W Woodruff E. T. Benson & J. M. Grant Addressed the Meeting
the People met in the Evening & Had a time of recreation
~ Thursday
May 1st We left Sanpete in the Afternoon & travled
6 miles & camped on south creek
~ Friday
2nd We travled to the severe & camped on salt creek kanyon
I visited A Mountain of rock salt
~ Saturday
3rd In company with several others we went 3 miles up salt
creek saw a spring of salt water which forms A Beautiful white
salt on the rocks as it runs down it makes several tons each
26th I rode with Br Wells across the battle ground whare the Indians
fought our brethren with Br Wells as the leader of the saints He gave
me an account of the battle which was interesting. We rode to
Petatenich creek met with the ox teams here who were appointed
to go to Iron County they went along with us we travled to
Summit creek & camped for the night in the evening a meeting
was called to organize the camp Brother Wells was our captain
B. Young President H. C. Kimball W. Woodruff E. T. Benson & J Young
councellors. President Young while speaking of the Resurrection
said that we should receive the same bodies that we lay down
if our dust was blown to the four winds of Heaven
~ Sunday
27th We rode to Salt creek & camped by the salt cave which is
composed of about 2/3 salt & 1/3 clay & it is suppose that many of the salt
springs originate in this way by the wash of the salt
~ Monday
28th We rode about 5 miles into the Kanyon to visit a salt spring which
forms salt on the rocks sufficient to supply many families
we rode into san pitch valley & camped on a creek for the night
~ Tuesday
29th We Rode to San pitch Settlement As we came in sight we
were saluted by the fireing of cannon & waveing of flags we
were received with warmth by Father Morley & the people in
general their is about 100 families here they are farming have
a school house commenced a council House, &c I called upon
Brother Brown & other friends Capt Jones &c we had a meeting in
the evening B Young addressed the meeting in an interesting manner
said his faith was that the Earth would not have produced for
the Gentiles as it has for us & if we had faith & power with God
to have the curse taken off instead of the sage brush & other
useless shrubs we should have the apple pear peach grape & evry
good fruit but if this people do not take a different course
from what they do in some things their blessings will prove a
curse & wo will be unto them & other remarks were made
He was followed By Elder Kimball who spoke well & backed
up his testimony W. Woodruff followed & expressed his feelings
I spent the night with Br Brown
~ Wednesday
30th We met for the purpose of organizing a High Council
there were twelve men chosen & were ordained to be High
councellors & 4 were ordained to be High Priest under the
hands of E T Benson & W. Woodruff the meeting was
then addressed By John & Lorenzo Young. In the afternoon
W Woodruff E. T. Benson & J M Grant addressed the Meeting
the People met in the evening & had a time of recreation
~ Thursday
May 1st We left Sanpete in the afternoon & travled
6 miles & camped on South creek
~ Friday
2nd We travled to the severe & camped on salt creek Kanyon
I visited a Mountain of Rock salt
~ Saturday
3rd In company with several others we went 3 miles up salt
creek saw a spring of salt water which forms a beautiful white
salt on the rocks as it runs down it makes several tons each
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 25, 1851 - May 3, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://arts.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/OY2E