worthy, as our Brother , and,
above all, follow in the steps of the
great Exemplar of all righteousness,
our Lord Jesus Christ, whose grace be
ever with you all. Amen.
In behalf of the absent members of
the Council of the Apostles.
Benediction was pronounced by
Patriarch .
At the close of the services in the
the procession formed on
South Temple Street, in the following
Apostles, as Pall Bearers.
First Presidents of Seventies.
President of Stakes and High Councilors.
High Priests' Quorums.
Elders' Quorums.
Presiding Bishopric.
Bishops and Counselors.
President of Teachers' Quorums.
Presidents of Deacons' Quorums.
Committee of Arrangements.
The streets along the route or pro-
cession were lined by large numbers
of people. The cortege consisted of
44 vehicles filled with relatives and
friends of the deceased, exclusive of
the carriage containing the pall bear-
ers, which was ahead of the hearse,
and the band, which led the proces-
On arriving at the the
choir sang—
O, my Father, thou that dwellest
In the high and glorious place.
Counselor offered
the dedicatory prayer, and the remains
of the faithful apostle of the Lord
Jesus were consigned to the tomb.
worthy, as our Brother , and,
above all, follow in the steps of the
great Exemplar of all righteousness,
our Lord Jesus Christ, whose grace be
ever with you all. Amen.
In behalf of the absent members of
the Council of the Apostles.
Benediction was pronounced by
Patriarch .
At the close of the services in the
the procession formed on
South Temple Street, in the following
Apostles, as Pall Bearers.
First Presidents of Seventies.
President of Stakes and High Councilors.
High Priests' Quorums.
Elders' Quorums.
Presiding Bishopric.
Bishops and Counselors.
President of Teachers' Quorums.
Presidents of Deacons' Quorums.
Committee of Arrangements.
The streets along the route or procession were lined by large numbers
of people. The cortege consisted of
44 vehicles filled with relatives and
friends of the deceased, exclusive of
the carriage containing the pall bearers, which was ahead of the hearse,
and the band, which led the procession.
On arriving at the the
choir sang—
O, my Father, thou that dwellest
In the high and glorious place.
Counselor offered
the dedicatory prayer, and the remains
of the faithful apostle of the Lord
Jesus were consigned to the tomb.