Moved & carried that Elder Alfred Cordon be the
Presiding Elder over the churches comprising this conference
Also Orsmond Shaw be the standing clerk for the same
Moved & carried that Elder Alford Cordon be a delegate
to represent this conference to the general conference
at Manchester on the 6th day of July nex
Moved & carried that the Delegate present the minutes of thisconference to the general conference
The minutes were then read & accepted by the conference
Moved & carried that this conference adjurne to the 28th Day
of September next
Business of the day I jointly ordained 1 Elder 6 Priest &
3 Teachers & confirmed 2. I set in council with the
officers after conference & also preached at night to
the Saints spent the night at Sister Battleby 4 miles
~ Tuesday
30th I walked to Burslem from thence to Hanly &
attended Meeting Elder Turley preached {[2 words of illegible shorthand]}
I spent the night at Sister Battlebys 5 mi
~ Wednesday
July 1st I rode in company with Elders Smith
& Turley to Manchester whare I found Elders B Young, H. C. KimbleP. P. PrattW. Richards
at 149 oldham road Manchester. Distance 35 [miles]
we had a pleasent time together Elder Richards & myself
spent the night together at Brother Brewshers No 4 Gray ct
~ Thursday
2nd I spent the day at 149 Oldham road in writing
I was informed of a remarkable vision of Sister Ann
Booth which I have written on the following page
I spent the night at Br John Walkers Cookson strt No 10
Moved & Carried that Elder Alfred Cordon be the
Presiding Elder over the churches comprising this conference
Also Orsmond Shaw be the Standing Clerk for the Same
Moved & Carried that Elder Alford Cordon be a delegate
to represent this Conference to the general Conference
at Manchester on the 6th day of July nex
Moved & Carried that the Delegate present the minutes of
thisConference to the general Conference
The minutes were then read & accepted by the Conference
Moved & Carried that this Conference adjurne to the 28th Day
of September next
Business of the day I jointly ordained 1 Elder 6 Priest &
3 Teachers & confirmed 2. I set in Council with the
Officers after Conference & also Preached at night to
the Saints spent the night at Sister Battleby 4 miles
~ Tuesday
30th I walked to Burslem from thence to Hanly &
attended meeting Elder Turley preached {2 illegible words}
I spent the night at Sister Battlebys 5 mi
~ Wednesday
July 1st I rode in company with Elders Smith
& Turley to Manchester whare I found Elders
B Young, H. C. KimbleP. P. PrattW. Richards
at 149 oldham road Manchester. Distance 35
we had a Pleasent time together Elder Richards & myself
spent the night together at Brother Brewshers No 4 Gray ct
~ Thursday
2nd I spent the day at 149 Oldham road in writing
I was informed of a remarkable vision of Sister Ann
Booth which I have written on the following page
I spent the night at Br John Walkers Cookson Strt No 10
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," June 29, 1840 - July 2, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,