in the name of JESUS CHRIST & that the Lord would
give me great Power, Knowledg, & wisdom & faith so that
I should heal the sick caus the Blind to see the lame to leap
as an heart [hart], the Deaf to hear stop the mouths of Lions
& rase the dead to life & waft myself (as did Philip) Acts 8:39 from River to river from sea to sea & from con-
tinant to continant for the purpose of Preaching
the gospel of Jesus Christ & that I ^should^ stand before
Kings & Princes & that they would send for me to
receieve wisdom knowledge & instruction at my
mouth because they considered me wiser than
themselves in like manner as the Egyptians sought
wisdom at the hand of JOSEPH. Genesis 41 And that God
would give me a multiplicity of Blessings that
I should Preach to the nations of the earth & to
the inhabitants upon the Islands of the sea & that
I should then return & stand upon Mount Zion
in the flesh even in Jackson County Missouri at
the Cumming of Christ & that I should be cought
up to meet him in the clouds of heaven for he
said this was the word of God unto me & Also
that I should visit COLUB & Preach to the
spirits in Prision & that I should bring all of
my friends or relatives forth from the Terrestr-
ial Kingdom (who had died) by the Power of the
gospel. These & many other Blessings were
Pronounced upon my head, & further said that
I should be annointed & my life sealed unto me
& that their would be still greater blessing
Pronounced upon my head. I felt much of the
Power of God rest upon me in this ordinance &
Bear witness of the truth of th[e] above
in the name of JESUS CHRIST & that the Lord Would
give me great Power, Knowledg, & wisdom & faith so that
I should heal the sick caus the Blind the lame to leap
as an heart. the Deaf to hear stop the mouths of Lions
& rase the dead to life & waft myself (as did Philip)
from River to river from sea to sea & from con
tinant to continant for the Purpose of Preaching
the gospel of Jesus Christ & that I should stand before
Kings & Princes & that they would send for me to
receieve wisdom Knowledge & instruction at my
mouth because they considered me wiser than
themselves in like manner as the Egyptians sought
wisdom at the hand of JOSEPH. And that God
would give me a multiplicity of Blessings that
I should Preach to the nations of the earth & to
the inhabitants upon the Islands of the sea & that
I should then return & stand upon Mount Zion
in the flesh even in Jackson County Missouri at
the Cumming of Christ & that I should be cought
up to meet him in the Clouds of heaven for he
said this was the word of God unto me & Also
that I should visit COLUB & Preach to the
spirits in Prision & that I should bring all of
my friends or relatives forth from the Terrestrial Kingdom (who had died) by the Power of the
gospel. These & many other Blessings were
Pronounced upon my head. & further said that
I should be annointed & my life sealed unto me
& that their would be still greater blessing
Pronounced upon my head. I felt much of the
Power of God rest upon me in this ordinance &
Bear witness of the truth of the above
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"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," January 3, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025,