Nov ^26th^ I visited President & Doct Cowdery at the Printing
office & made a general settlement with them for
the M & Advocate for the subscribers of the South
I gave 9 new subscribers to them & Paid them $41.50
for the M. & Advocate which setteled all matters
between us.
I receieved som counsel from
Presidents Smith & Rigdon to Elder Parrishe's house
& spent the day in writing
~ Sunday
Nov 29th ^27th^ Upon this Lords day Elder Smoot & myself
accompanied Elder Parrish to the house of the Lord
for the first time to behold the congregation of the
Saints assembled within its walls for the purpose
of worshiping God it was truly an interesting
scene it brought a lengthy catalogue of transactions
contemplations & experience of my youth to my
to my mind & the experiance of this day fulfilled
many things of a spiritual nature which I had
looked for a number of years which I viewed
as Promises of God. After I entered the house
& was seated I cast my eyes upon the Pulpits
aranged in order for the High Priest I beheld the
Patriarch Joseph Smith sen. standing in the upper
pulpet, & President Joseph Smith, jr. & Elder Carter in the second one & in the third Elders Parley & Orson Pratt & W. Parrish was
seated soon Elder Carter arose & opened meeting
by Prayer & then Preached the gospel unito
us & was followed by President Joseph
Smith, jr when meeting was dissmissed & after
an intermishion of an hour we again met in the
house of the Lord & I was called into the stand
in company with Elder Smoot & requested the to
Preach to the People I opened by Prayer & read the LVI chapter of Isaiah & made some brief remarks
upon the same & gave a sketch of my travels in
the South. I was then followed by Elder Smoot
after he closed I was blessed with the priviledge
of communing with a multitude of Saints
~ Saturday
Nov 26th I visited President & Doct Cowdery at the Printing
office & made a general settlement with them for
the Messenger & Advocate for the subscribers of the South
I gave 9 new subscribers to them & Paid them $41.50
for the M & Advocate which setteled all matters
between us. I receieved some counsel from
Presidents Smith & Rigdon to Elder Parrishe's house
& spent the day in writing
~ Sunday
Nov 27th Upon this Lords day Elder Smoot & myself
accompanied Elder Parrish to the house of the Lord
for the first time to behold the congregation of the
saints assembled within its walls for the Purpose
of Worshiping God it was truly an interesting
scene it brought a lengthy catalogue of transactions
contemplations & experience of my youth to my
to my mind & the experiance of this day fulfilled
many things of a spiritual nature which I had
looked for a number of years which I viewed
as Promises of God. After I entered the house
& was seated I cast my eyes upon the Pulpits
aranged in order for the High Priest I beheld the
Patriarch Joseph Smith sen. standing in the upper
Pulpet. & President Joseph Smith. jr. & Elder
Carter in the Second one & in the third Elders
Parley & Orson Pratt & W. Parrish was
seated soon Elder Carter arose & opened meeting
by Prayer & then Preached the gospelunto
us & was followed by President Joseph
Smith jr when meeting was dissmissed & after
an intermishion of an hour we again met in the
house of the Lord & I was called into the stand
in Company with Elder Smoot & requested to
Preach to the People I opened by Prayer & read the
LVI chapter of Isaiah & made some brief remarks
upon the same & gave a sketch of my travels in
the South. I was then followed by Elder Smoot
after he Closed I was blessed with the priviledge
of communing with a multitude of Saints
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," November 26, 1836 - November 27, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025,