Thus ^if^ in the first ^week^ I could keep my first line marked T
clear of spots I supposed the habit of that virtue so
much strengthend and its opposite weakened that I
might venture extending my attention to include the
next and for the following week keep both lines
clear of spots proceding thus to the last I could get
through a course complete in 13 weeks and four courses
in a year. And like him who having a garden to weed
does not attempt to eradicate all the bad herbs at once
which wood exced his reach and his strength but
works on one of the beds at a time and having acco-
mplished the first proceds to a second so I should
have I hoped the encouraging pleasure of seeing on my
pages the progress made in virtue by clearing success-
fully my lines of their spots till in the end by a num-
ber of courses I should be happy in viewing a clean
Book after a thirteen weeks daily examination
This my little Book had for its motto these lines from Addisons Cato
Here will I hold if there's a power above us
And that there is all nature cries aloud
Through all her works He must delight in virtue
And that which he delights in must be happy
Thus I have copied so much out of the life of Franklin think-
ing it an excellent & worthy example, and hoping it masy
do me or my children or some other persons some good.
Another principle of Dr Franklins life & recommendation
is vary good under many circumstances in life He recom
mends to all persons in the pulpit, at the bar, in debate,
in conversation to take the modarate ground in Phrase-
ology to say I think or apprehend, I believe or I am
of the opinion that things are thus & so. And not that I
know, I declare, I affirm, that things are thus and so
8 9 10 & 11 I spent the time in school with my children
I attended meeting in the 14 ward with the children
on the 8th & had a good time we are now holding meet-
ings in the different wards through the city with the children we get all the children over
8 yardsoyears of age together & learn them to pray
& speak of the things of God and it is having a
good influence their is a great responsibility resting
upon parents towards their children
~ Sunday
12 Sunday John Taylor addressed the saints in the
forenoon And President Young in the afternoon He deliv[er]ed
one of the most interesting discourses ever delive[r]ed to the people
I did not reporte it but others did and it will be printed
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
13th 14th I spent the time with my children in school
Thus if in the first week I could keep my first line marked T
clear of spots I supposed the habit of that virtue so
much strengthend and its opposite weakened that I
might venture extending my attention to include the
next and for the following week keep both lines
clear of spots proceding thus to the last I could get
through a course complete in 13 weeks and four courses
in a year. And like him who having a garden to weed
does not attempt to eradicate all the bad barbs at once
which wood exced his reach and his strength but
works on one of the beds at a time and having accomplished the first proceds to a second so I should
have I hoped the encouraging pleasure of seeing on
my pages the progress made in virtue by clearing successfully my lines of their spots till in the end by a number of courses I should be happy in viewing a clean
Book after a thirteen weeks daily examination
This my little Book had for its motto these lines from Addisons Cato
Here will I hold if there's a power above us
And that there is all nature cries aloud
Through all her works He must delight in virtue
And that which he delights in must be happy
Thus I have copied so much out of the life of Franklin thinking it an excellent & worthy example, and hoping it may
do me or my children or some other persons some good.
Another principle of Dr Franklins life & recommendation
is vary good under many circumstances in life He recom
mends to all persons in the pulpit, at the bar, in debate,
in conversation to take the modarate ground in Phraseology to say I think or apprehend, I believe or I am
of the opinion that things are thus & so. And not that I
know, I declare, I affirm, that things are thus and so
~ Tuesday
7th I spent the day at home with my children
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
8 9 10 & 11 I spent the time in school with my children
I attended meeting in the 14 ward with the children
on the 8th & had a good time we are now holding meetings in the different wards through the city with
[FIGURE] the children we get all the children over
8 years of age together & learn them to pray
& speak of the things of God and it is having a
good influence their is a great responsibility resting
upon the parents towards their children
~ Sunday
12 Sunday John Taylor addressed the saints in the
forenoon And President Young in the afternoon He delivered
one of the most interesting discourses ever delivered to the people
I did not reportit but others did and it will be printed
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
13th 14th I spent the time with my children in school
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 6, 1854 - February 14, 1854, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025,