laying on of hands & prayer we were almost fearfu[l]
that He would not recover from this sickness still
we had hope
~ Monday
23rd I left President Richards this morning and
returned to my house & spent the day at home
~ Tuesday
24th I spent the day at home with my children &
in the evening I delivered a lecture upon the subject of
education in the school house of the 19th ward school
26th 27 & 28 I spent the time at home in school with my
children Dr Richards is still failing & suffering much
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I attended with Dr Richards in the fore
part of the day He suffered much O Hyde preached
in the fore part of the day and P. P. Pratt in the afternoon
at the close of the meeting the Presidency & Twelve went
to Dr Richards and Administered to him by the laying
on of hands and we have done it freequently & at
times had a testimony by the spirit of God that He would
get better but all outward appearances have been against
his getting up again. I met in the 14th ward school
house at candle light & preached to a full house was
followed by P P Pratt we had a good time the spirit of
the Lord was poured out upon us at the close of the
meeting the spirit I went to Dr Richards & spent 2
hours. He was vary low & it wappeared as though He
would not live till morning
~ Monday
30th Dr Richads is alive this morning and appears
some better I wrote 2 letters to I F Carter & J M Bern- hisel I spent the remainder of the day at home
~ Tuesday
31st Dr Richards still lives and appears some better
And I pray the Lord he may again get well for many
reasons one is the Twelve have administered to him
many times and felt moved upon at times to promis
him that he should live and get well and stand in the
midst of his brethren and also to administer to his
family this I promised him once while the Twelve and
all his wives were administering to him at the same
time I attended the Bishops meeting this evening
with Elder Thomas Kington I addressed the Bishops
and had the spirit of the Lord we are now begining
to ordain our young sons to the lesser ^priesthood^ here in Zion
~ Wednesday
Feb 1st we are now gathering all our young children
from eight years old and upward in the several wards
one evening in each week for the purpose of speaking
and praying I met with the children in the 14 ward this
evening and addressed them & herd some 50 of them
speak and it was an interesting time
laying on of hands & prayer we were almost fearful
that He would not recover from this sickness still
we had hope
~ Monday
23rd I left President Richards this morning and
returned to my house & spent the day at home
~ Tuesday
24th I spent the day at home with my children &
in the evening I delivered a lecture upon the subject of
education in the school house of the 19th ward school
~ Wednesday
25 I spent the day at home with my children
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
26th 27 & 28 I spent the time at home in school with my
children Dr Richards is still failing & suffering much
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I attended with Dr Richards in the fore
part of the day He suffered much O Hyde preached
in the fore part of the day and P. P. Pratt in the afternoon
at the close of the meeting the Presidency & Twelve went
to Dr Richards and Administered to him by the laying
on of hands and we have done it freequently & at
times had a testimony by the spirit of God that He would
get better but all outward appearances have been against
his getting up again. I met in the 14th ward school
house at candle light & Preached to a full house was
followed by P P Pratt we had a good time the spirit of
the Lord was poured out upon us at the close of the
meeting I went to Dr Richards & spent 2
hours. He was vary low & it appeared as though He
would not live till morning
~ Monday
30th Dr Richards is alive this morning and appears
some better I wrote 2 letters to I F Carters & J M Bern
[FIGURE] hisel I spent the remainder of the day at home
~ Tuesday
31st Dr Richards still lives and appears some better
And I pray the Lord he may again get well for many
reasons one is the Twelve have administered to him
many times and felt moved upon at times to promis
him that he should live and get well and stand in the
midst of his brethren and also to administer to his
family this I promised him once while the Twelve and
all his wives were administering to him at the same
time. I attended the Bishops meeting this evening
with Elder Thomas Kington I addressed the Bishops
and had the spirit of the Lord we are now begining
to ordain our young Sons to the lesser priesthood here in Zion
~ Wednesday
Feb 1st we are now gathering all our young Children
from eight years old and upward in the several wards
one evening in each week for the purpose of speaking
and praying I met with the children in the 14 ward this
evening and addressed them & herd some 50 of them
speak and it was an interesting time
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 22, 1854 - February 1, 1854, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,