8th I spent the day at home in study with my children & I spent
the evening in the Prayer meeting in the 14th ward with the
children. all the children over 8 years of age meet in the
different wards of the city for prayer one night in each
week & they have interesting meetings & I think much go[o]d
will grow out of it
10th I met in council with Brother Kimball & the
12. I ordained 2 Elders we had a good counsel &
Elder Kimball gave a strong pointed lecture for 3 Hours
& spoke upon almost evry species of sin & warned the Eldrs
that were going out on missions to be vary careful to
keep all the commandments of God that they might be
saved from sorrow, disgrace misery & suffering which
is the effects of sin may all men give heed to such
counsel & practice it in their lives & it will save them much sorrow
I met with the 70s in the 14 ward
school House many bore testimony to the work of God
I also Joined my testimony with them at the close of
of the meeting by request of the president of the quorum
of seventies I Joined him & ordained members into
the quorum of Seventies
March 11th 1854 President
Willard Richards departed this
life this morning at about
30 minutes past 9 oclock
after President Richards was reduced
as it were to deaths door by the laying on of hands & the
prayer of faith He was raised up so that He walked about
his rooms & appeared as though he was going to get well
but he has taken a relaps & been failing for several days
& this morning He appeared wors & the Twelve were
sent for to come & Administer to him but before we
could get there He was dead He droped away almost with[ou]t
any struggle or a groan. Thus closes the life of Brother
Williard Richards He has been a man of strict integrity
to his brethren & his God I have travled with him many
miles both in England & America we have been warm
associates many times. He has been the Historian of the
Church many years He stood in Carthage Jail while
the bullets flew like hail around him & Joseph & Hiram two
prophets of God were martered by his side & brother Taylor
fell pearced with many balls but did not die He has
been a great counsellor in the Church & kingdom of God
And He has died a mighty man in Israel O what sweet
counsel he has given me from time to time & many of
the saints of God He has posse[sse]d a strong mind a mighty
intellect & a valuable peculiar combination of intellect &
such another the world can Hardly produce He is the
first man that has died a natural death in this Church
& kingdom from the first Presidency or Twelve Aposthes
all that have died before have been martered
~ Wednesday
8th I spent the day at home in study with my children & I spent
the evening in the Prayer meeting in the 14th ward with the
children. all the children over 8 years of age meet in the
different wards of the City for Prayer one night in each
week & they have interesting meetings & I think much good
will grow out of it
~ Thursday
9th I spent the day at home in my school
~ Friday
10th [FIGURE] I met in council with Brother Kimball & the
12. I ordained 2 Elders we had a good Counsel &
Elder Kimball gave a strong pointed lecture for 3 Hours
& spoke upon almost evry species of sin & warned the Elders
that were going out on missions to be vary careful to
keep all the commandments of God that they might be
saved from sorrow, disgrace misery & suffering which
is the effects of sin may all men give heed to such
counsel & practice it in their lives & it will save them much sorrow
I met with the 70s in the 14 ward
school House many bore testimony to the work of God
I also Joined my testimony with them at the close of
of the meeting by request of the president of the quorum
of seventies I Joined him & ordained members into
the quorum of Seventies
~ Saturday
[FIGURE] W Richards
Died March 11th
AD 1854
March 11th 1854 President
Willard Richards departed this
life this morning at about
30 minutes past 9 oclock
after President Richards was reduced
as it were to deaths door by the laying on of hands & the
prayer of faith He was raised up so that He walked about
his rooms & appeared as though he was going to get well
but he has taken a relaps & been failing for several days
& this morning He appeared wors & the Twelve were
sent for to come & Administer to him but before we
could get there He was dead He droped away almost without
any struggle or a groan. Thus closes the life of Brother
Williard Richards He has been a man of strict integrity
to his brethren & his God I have travled with him many
miles both in England & America we have been warm
associates many times. He has been the Historian of the
Church many years He stood in Carthage Jail while
the bullets flew like hail around him & Joseph & Hiram two
prophets of God were martered by his side & brother Taylor
fell pearced with many balls but did not die He has
been a great Counsellor in the Church & Kingdom of God
And He has died a mighty man in Israel O what sweet
counsel he has given me from time to time & many of
the saints of God He has possessed a strong mind a mighty
intellect & a valuable peculiar combination of intellect &
such another the world can Hardly produce He is the
first man that has died a natural death in this Church
& kingdom from the first Presidency or Twelve Apostles
all that have died before have been martered
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," March 8, 1854 - March 11, 1854, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 6, 2025, https://arts.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/9kY