Brother Goldsbrough
Brother Goldbrough's family were in a carriage accident and Wilford Woodruff administered to one of Brother Goldbrough's children on 23 Jul. 1884 near Nephi, Juab Co., Utah Territory. If you have any information that will help us positively identify Brother Goldbrough, such as his full name, birth date, death date, or FamilySearch PID, please send a message to contact@wilfordwoodruffpapers.
Brother Goldbrough, Wilford Woodruff Papers (, accessed 11 Sep. 2023). Note: Brother Goldbrough was likely connected to Henry Goldbrough (KWJH-NJJ) who lived in Juab Co., Utah Territory in 1880. It is possible Brother Goldbrough may have been him. However, two of Henry Goldbrough's sons also had families by 1884, and they could have been the ones involved in the carriage accident.