Feb 10th
Queen Victoria is married to day. Prince
Albert is her Bridegroom. The Queen' salary that is settelded
upon her annually is £385,000 or $1,925,000. that of
Prince Albert ^{[illegible shorthand]}^ is £50,000 or $250,000 making in all
yearly to the Queen & Prince £435000 or $2,175000
The above is the same that the late King & Queen had befor them
As this is a day that many are celebrating the mariage
of the Queen, I thought it no more than just & right that
I should honor the King of heaven by advocating his
cause & preaching the gospel of his Son Jesus Christ so
I walked out into the Market place acompanied
by Elder Alfred Corden, & Deacon Wm Bradbury, &
Brother George Simpsons, & we began to sing prases
unto God & call upon his name & a congreg
ation flocked around us, & we preached the gospel unto
them & I bore testimony unto them of the great
work that God had set his hand to accomplish. we
testified of the second comeing of Christ & warned
the people to repent & be Baptized for the remision
of their sins, & when we had finished our testimony
we dismissed the people & walked of[f] with many
following us. We also preached in the evening at
Brother Thomas Amisons & Baptized one & walked
to Burslem & spent the night ^{[illegible shorthand]}^. I received a
letter from Elder John Taylor they had Baptized 10
in Liverpool. Distance of the day 8 miles
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