Day in the Life

Apr 5, 1840

Journal Entry

April 05, 1840 ~ Sunday

Ann Efford th Ligh

Daniel Collett (Church Clark)
^2014^ Thomas Smith
John Spiers
Mary Robins

5th Sunday I met for a prayer meeting in
Leigh. after meeting we went to Brother
Daniel Browetts for the purpose of Baptizing
10 persons got ready. But Before we got
ready or closed praying & singing a desperate mob
gathered to gether about 100 in number & the
owner of the pool would not let us Baptize while
their was such a mob present fearing that
serious consequence would ensue I then went
in search of water in other places for about an
hour with the mob following me & calling
out you American whare are you going to wash
your sheep, but as I could not find water

we had to omit it untill afternoon. The mob
commenced fighting among themselves & the people
sent for constables to clear the groun[d]. I
went to Norton & preached & then returned to
Leigh immediately & the man gave his con
sent for me to Baptize in his pool. we went
Immediately to the water & as I comenced to
Baptize the mob began to gather, but I
Baptized 9 persons 3 [of] which were preachers
while surrounded by the rabble, but I performed
the ordinance without any insult or injury exc
epting the tongue of slander & throwing a dog into
the pool whare I was Baptizing I also preached
in the evening at Ligh to a vast congregation
& the power of God rested upon us, & I bore
testimony unto them of the judgments of God
that would rest upon them if they did not repent
I spent the night at Brother Daniel Rowletts &
confirmed two persons 3 miles


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2 mentions
1840 British Convert
Browett, Daniel
18 Dec 1809 - 27 Jun 1848
65 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Collett, Daniel
12 Dec 1807 - 8 Jul 1894
6 mentions
1840 British Convert
Spiers, John
19 Feb 1822 - 12 Nov 1895
19 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Robins, Mary Ann Prichard Lucy
15 Jun 1794 - 27 Feb 1855
2 mentions
1840 British Convert
6 mentions
1840 British Convert


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Mission - 1840 Record of British Converts
Ligh Daniel Collett (Church Clark [clerk]) ^14^ ^20^ Thomas Smith John Spiers Mary Robins Harriet Hayes
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
at Gadfields Elm and on which was Sunday I met for prayer-meeting at Leigh. After meeting we went to a brother's for the purpose of again administering the ordinance of baptism Ten prepared for the ordinance but before we closed singing and prayer a desperate mob gathered together of about a hundred and the owner of the pond would not let us baptise while such a mob was present fearing serious consequences I then went in search of water in other places for about of an hour with the mob following me, and railing against me; but I could not find water and we had to defered it until the aftermoon. The mob commenced fitingghting among themselves and the people sent for constables to clear the ground. After this I went to Norton and preached and then returned to Leigh and the man gave his consent for me to baptize in his pond We went immediately to the water and as I commenced to baptise the mob began to gather but I succeeded in the administering the ordiance to nine persons while surrounded by the rabble. I did not however receive any injury nor did any of those baptised receive any molestation except with the tongue. In the evening I preached to a large congregation and the power of God rested upon us


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Apr 5, 1840