Day in the Life

May 19, 1850

Journal Entry

May 19, 1850 ~ Sunday

19th [FIGURE] According to appointment I met in conference with
Orson Hyde Orson Pratt And the High Council near the
stand in the grove. one hour before the general meeting
Elder Hyde Addressed the council in substance as follows
That there was business left unfinished at the conference
which must be closed to day As osome officers are going to
the valley others must be appointed. Bishop Johnson was
going Another Bishop must be appointed Also men must be
appointed to visit the various branches who would attend
the council & carry the spirit of the council to the people
& bring back the spirit of the cPeople to the council. Joseph
& Benjamin Clapp who were appointed last Year
were not with them at all ieither in Body or spirit &
whenever they did attend A council Joseph Young could
not stay till He went away we will pass them over &
let them go. Elder Hyde also remarked that it was necessa
ry to make arangements to receive the poor that had of
late arived among us I have given council through the
guardian for the poor not to come here & some have
contrary to this councisl through tha misguided zeal councilled
them to come to this place & such must bear the consequen
ces of it. It was voted that A Bishop be appointed to
take the place of Bishop Johnson, & that Elder Stodard
be appointed to travel among the churches & call such
men to his help as He needed. Three men were App[oin]ted
as A committe to locate the poor.

We then repaired
to the stand before the congregation & each item of
business was presented before the people the same as
before the council And a vote taken upon each
item Elder Hyde made many remarks upon each item
as they came up before the people Among other things said
that the Priesthood & Saints Hold the keys of Blessings
in there own hands & said we have not had but one
shower of rain this year or since last fall & we have
not seen the bow in the Heavens at all this season the
earth is parched up & dry now if you want rain
open your doors & receive the poor And you will have
the Blessings the people said they would do it &
Elder Pratt Prayed for rain. Elder Hyde Also wished
the sin course & evil that arose in that place from the
grog shops should rest upon the Head of those who kept
such dogeries & the people said Amen to it

In the Afternoon Elder O. Pratt Preached to the people
in an edifying manner spoke Also against the grog shops
Also of his travel in England the progress of the work in that
land the many thousands who were coming into the
Church the great increase of the publications the
opposition that was begining to be manifest against
them spoke of the signs of the times the building

of the city of Zion the peculiarity of that city having a
pillar of fire by nigh & a cloud by day resting over
the Habitations of the saints Elder Pratt spoke quite
leangthy upon these points when He closed He was
followed by Elder W. Woodruff who spoke briefly
upon a few item He manifested much pleasure in once
more meeting with the Saints said He had been on
a mission to the East nearly two years He could not
give so flattering account of matters as Elder Pratt
Had for the field in the Eastern states had been
like the gleaning of grapes after the vintage was
done thare had been Baptized in his field of
labour about 200 since he had been on his mission. As
there had been much said about the poor coming to kanesville
Elder Woodruff remarked that He had recieved council from
the Presidency in the valley to stretch out his arms and
gather all He possibly could to Zion. And when the Lord tells
me to do any thing or I receive council through the proper
sourse I go at it with all my might And I can neither
eat Drink or sleep in peace except the work that is requ-
ired of him me to be performed is progressing about right
I have laboured hard to gather out the people according to
the instructions given me. One company started from
Philadelphia under Elder Gibson of [blank] I Also started from
Boston on the 9th with 209 And from St Louis with 225
& we arived here in safety & there are a few poor who
came with me who cannot go through & will stop here & if
in my zeal to carry out the instruction of the Presidency I
have been instrumental in causing more poor saints to come
to Kanesville than ought to have come it has been an
error of the head & not of the heart. I feel to sustain
Elder Hyde in the course He has taken here in taking a stand
against drunkenness gambling stealing Bogasmaking & iniquiti[es]
of all kinds. there is order in the kingdom of God. the
Presidency inof the Church are the first to receive & give instructi[on]
to the whole Church & Elder Hyde is the president in this
place & the one to receive & give instructions & He is accoun[table]
for his course to the Presidency of the Church, other remar[ks]
were made & was followed by Elder Hyde who said that wha[t]
Elder Woodruff had done was all right & would work for good
& other remarks were made He then gave council for the
Brethren who had farms to sell & were thinking of going to the
valley to take this as an omen that it was right for them [to]
go if they could sell them for what they were worth
to sell them & go if not to stay and till them unless
they felt disposed to give them to some poor brethren

the conference was dismissed & though there had not bee[n]
a shower of rain but once since last fall & the bow had
not been seen since last year yet as soon as meeting was
dismissed the clouds gatherd the rain poured down the
Bow appeared And it was a matter of observation with
many of the world as well as Saints. I spent the night at
Elder Hydes


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Johnson, Aaron
22 Jun 1806 - 10 May 1877
Clapp, Benjamin Lynn
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Gibson, Jacob
1 Jan 1814 - 1 May 1882
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Elder Hyde made many remarks upon each item as they came up before the people Among other things said that the Priesthood & Saints Held the keys of Blessings in there own hands & said we have not had but one shower of rain this year or since last fall & we have not seen the bow in the Heavens at all this season the earth is parched up & dry now if you want rain open your doors & receive the poor And you will have the Blessings the people said they would do it & Elder Pratt Prayed for rain.
~ Orson Hyde
As there had been much said about the poor coming to kanesville Elder Woodruff remarked that He had recieved council from the Presidency in the valley to stretch out his arms and gather all He possibly could to Zion. And when the Lord tells me to do any thing or I receive council through the proper sourse I go at it with all my might And I can neither eat Drink or sleep in peace except the work that is requ- ired of him me to be performed is progressing about right I have laboured hard to gather out the people according to the instructions given me.
~ Wilford Woodruff
As there had been much said about the poor coming to kanesville Elder Woodruff remarked that He had recieved council from the Presidency in the valley to stretch out his arms and gather all He possibly could to Zion. And when the Lord tells me to do any thing or I receive council through the proper sourse I go at it with all my might And I can neither eat Drink or sleep in peace except the work that is requ- ired of him me to be performed is progressing about right I have laboured hard to gather out the people according to the instructions given me.
~ Wilford Woodruff
the conference was dismissed & though there had not been a shower of rain but once since last fall & the bow had not been seen since last year yet as soon as meeting was dismissed the clouds gatherd the rain poured down the Bow appeared And it was a matter of observation with many of the world as well as Saints.
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

May 19, 1850